Chapter Forty One: The Phone Call

Start from the beginning

            “I’ll call her,” I murmured.

            This was it. I had to do it. For Nathan. For Emma. For myself.

            I tapped the number and before I knew it, it was ringing.

            My heart was pounding. I was seconds away from hearing her again for the first time in years. She was in distance, finally. But what if she didn’t pick up? What if she saw the Caller ID and ignored it? Maybe she’d gotten fed up with my texts and decided to move on. I don’t think I could’ve left a voicemail.

            Suddenly, the ringing stopped.


            And there it was, echoing in my ear. Her voice, like jingle bells. The clarity of it wasn’t dimmed down by any bad reception, either.

            We both were in silence. It was my turn to speak. But I couldn’t find my words. I found myself looking at Nathan, who lifted his eyebrows, urging me forward.

            “Ricky?” Emma said my name into the phone.

            “Emma,” I breathed.

            I heard her inhale and I did, as well.

            “Why are you calling?” she said after a long pause.

            I was taken aback. No love confession? No cussing me out? No, “where have you been”? All I got was a stupid question.

            “It’s Nathan…he’s been in a car wreck,” I said without emotion, still keeping eye contact with Nathan.

            I heard a wrangled cry escape her mouth. The far-off sounds of a girl’s voice asking if Emma was okay reached my ears. So, she wasn’t alone. I probably should have asked if this was a good time to talk instead of dropping the bomb on her.

            “What?” her voice grew desperate. I began pacing. “Is he alright? Where is he? Where are you? He’s not…”

            She trailed off, unable to finish her question.

            “No, he’s not,” I responded and she exhaled. “But he’s not doing well. I think you need to get here and see him.”

            I knew she got my point. I knew she realized this might be the last time she’d be able to see him. I wondered if she was tearing up right now. I couldn’t hear her sniffling, but wondered if tears were running down her face.

            “Okay,” Emma said. “I’m…I’m coming up.”

            I was shocked. To hear those words seemed to lift this huge weight off my chest. Breathing became easier. My mind cleared.


            “Yes. I guess I can take some time off of school. It’s for Nate. I don’t exactly have a way to…get back home.”

            “Mom and Dad can buy you a ticket. We can have you on the next flight home,” I said, a little too eager.

            Her musical giggle flickered through the phone. My stomach contracted.

            “Alright. You can text me the flight details. I’ll start packing.”

            I breathed a breath of relief. “Well, that was easy.”

            “Ricky,” she pulled me back. “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. Don’t be thinking your mission to get me home has finally succeeded. I’m only visiting to see Nate. I’m not staying.”

            And the weight came crashing back down.

            “But, Emma-,”

            “No buts,” she cut me off mid-sentence. “Send me the flight information. Goodbye, Ricky.”

            The receiver clicked off. I hunched over in defeat.

            “Emma being her usual stubborn self?” Nathan’s voice made me realize I was still in the hospital.

            “Yeah,” I sighed, returning to my chair. “Chicks, huh?”

            He laughed. I smiled.

            “Ricky, I just wanted to let you know…” Nathan started but abruptly, his eyes began to water.

            “What?” I asked, pulling closer. “What’s wrong?”

            “You and I both know what’s going to happen. We both know my chances are slim to none,” Nathan whispered.

            “No, no. Don’t say that,” I choked up.

            “I know my own body. I can feel life leaving me.”

            Nathan wasn’t the only one tearing up now. I grabbed for his hand and squeezed it in my own.

            “Go after Emma,” Nathan looked me square in the eyes. “She was never meant for me. But just now, when you were talking to her on the phone…I now know you’re right for her. And if I don’t make it out of here, I want you to go after Emma. You’re the only one that can and it’s all I want.”

            I broke down and just cried. So did Nathan. It was just us two, holding hands in a hospital room, bawling our eyes out. I didn’t mind. I think he was the only one I could do this in front of, other than Emma. I don’t think I would’ve cared if the nurse of Nathan’s parents walked in. I just needed a good, long cry.

            “I’ll do it,” I said, wiping my eyes with my free hand. “I’ll do it for you, Nathan.”

            He gave me a warm smile. “Good.”

            As horrible as the moment was, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I released my grip on Nathan and took it out, reading the screen.

            James had texted me. I swiped my phone to read it.

            Heard about Nathan. Sorry. Anything new from E?

            I began tapping away, and then hit Send.

            Yeah. She’s flying in. And you’re going to pick her up.

Hey, guys. A bit of an emotional chapter. I started tearing up, me being the lame writer that I am. Just a heads up, my mom’s in town so I will not be online this whole weekend. So, enjoy the kaboodles-free weekend! <3

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