Chapter Nine

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"I'm surprised to see you here, Barrattiel," Zuriea said, standing near the centre of the rough circle they all had made. "But you are very welcomed."

"I'm not back," Barratt said. "Just came to bring this man to you."

Sean was looking out the window, watching the crowds build up outside the Cobblestone Pub below. He used to work around here. A part of him yearned to be like them again, the worker crowds, a pint after work, minor cares compared to the greater threats to the world he now understood. That life also felt like someone else's, like he had dreamed it all, and now he was awake for his true purpose. Someone called his name and he turned to group.

After all the angels had regrouped here, Sean and Barratt proceeded to tell them of Cam's absence, and of the son he told them about. It took some convincing for them to trust that Cam was telling the truth about having an adult son, and Zuriea said she would have her team's Mystic, Ofarlem, look into such a precedence. Now it came down to what to do next.

"Right," Sean said. "I got a call from Kalaziel earlier. She says she saw Cam enter Sephiaza's stronghold on his own."

Beside Sean, Laylah gasped softly. "We need to go help him," she said.

Rathanael nodded. "Yes, we go now, and we take everyone."

"Everyone calm down," Zuriea said sternly. She was as tall a female angel as Sean has ever seen, with short black hair and a powerful, broad shouldered frame. She had the air of someone who was used to being listened to, and commanded attention. "If they have Cam, even if they've killed him already, they'll be expecting more of us now. Our element of surprise has gone."

"That's if you believe you ever had the element of surprise," Sean said, earning himself a firm look.

"It doesn't matter," Laylah said, her eyes large and pleading. "We have to try and help him, of course."

"Trap or no trap," Chayy said. "Our original plan was to attack Sephiaza's stronghold today."

Rathanael gestured around them. "How many angels do we have in town, outside of our teams?"

Zuriea thought about it, hands on her hips. "Five that I know of, keeping an eye on the city and the pulse of the world."

"And six in your team," Rathanael said. "And five left in Bath's team. Six, if you include Barratt."

"Don't include me."

"And we have two more, Kalaziel and Mihr, waiting at the stronghold," Rathanael added. "Anyone else?"

"You have me." They all turned to see Lahabiel enter the room. Her long hair hung freely, looking worn, and her eyes were sunken and tense. She held several large books against her chest, appearing lost and frail.

Laylah ran to her. "Lahabiel," she said, embracing her. "I'm so glad to see you."

"Sister," Chayy said, rubbing her arm as she joined them. "You were in our hideout when the attack came?"

Lahabiel kept her eyes low, holding her books tighter. "I was there when the demons came. I watched them slaughter our brethren. Bath tried to keep me hidden. She acted so fast. And... all I could do was hide, and then I ran."

"You did the right thing," Chayy said, a hand on her shoulder. "You would have joined them if you had not run. It's nothing to be ashamed of. And you're here with us, now."

Lahabiel looked around them. She perked up when she saw Barratt. "Barrattiel," she said, her eyes wide.

Barratt's expression remained unchanged, but, Sean thought he could sense something between them. The air seemed to charge when Barratt and Lahabiel locked eyes.

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