Chapter 9

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The two stared at each other and time seemed to stand still. "May I walk with you?" the angel asked, walking to Hecate's side. Hecate didn't respond but nodded silently. Clouds had covered the stars above and rain began to fall, drops lightly bouncing off the pavement.

The angel wore a camouflage green hoodie with the hood covering their head, white jeans and trainers. If anyone had seen the two of them they wouldn't have had a clue that they weren't mortal. 

"I suppose we can't put this off. We'd have to address it sooner or later." Hecate said, pulling up the collar of her jacket, "Isn't that right, Ninoian?" she continued looking at the angel. "You know my name then?" the angel said, pulling her hood back a bit so Hecate could see her face more clearly. "Kahlan told me, or I suppose you call her Mrs Scannel." Hecate replied, now walking alongside her angelic companion, "Frankly I'm surprised you put up with her, a banished demon and a grounded angel. Usually that isn't the best mix. I'm guessing you also want to reach an agreement of peace with me." 

"Yes, that's part of it," Ninion replied, "But there was something else I wanted to discuss." She took a deep breath as though mentally preparing herself for what she was about to say next, "I've been here a while and I've gained a sort of sense,  as in, I can almost tell if there is a demon in the area, like with you. But, I've been feeling another presence. Care to explain?" she informed Hecate.

Hecate glared at the ground. Of course she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret if he had found her but what would happen to him? Ninion gave Hecate a sad look, "A demon feeling loyalty, I'm impressed but if you know anything it is essential you tell me." she pressed on. Hecate glared at her, "Who says I know anything?" 

No. She wouldn't tell them. She wouldn't sell out the first true friend she had ever had. Someone who was so loyal to her they would travel to the human world. "If this was a banished demon the vibe would be stronger but it's weak so it must have come here of it's own accord. This means it still has it's demonic powers, which puts everyone, including Grace at risk." Ninion told Hecate, "As well as my guarded mortal and I won't let anything happen to them. Even if you're too stubborn to help."

Hecate's eyes flashed red and she growled at Ninion, "Don't you think I know that? I can take care of myself and Grace. You just worry about yourself and your precious mortal." she snapped at her, "All you angels think you're better than me and my kind but earlier today you weren't so brave were you? If you think I'm no match for another demon how about you fight me now and I'll show you how powerful I am?" 

Hecate could feel scales growing on her skin. The horns sprouting from her head. She hadn't been in her demonic form for so long the transformation was agonising as though her whole body was being ripped open. Even when she had killed that man the previous night she hadn't needed to fully change. She wanted to scream, she had experienced torture before. Why was this so painful now? 

Ninion's eyes widened, "Hecate!" then she saw a shadow behind her, "Look out!" she yelled before removing her jacket. Hecate's eyes were closed so she didn't get the full effect of the light that shot over her head. 

Suddenly the pain that had possessed Hecate's body vanished. She crumpled to the ground, "W-what was that?" she choked. Ninion stood before her and knelt down, "Recognise this?" she asked , dangling something in front of Hecate's face.

It was a gem that was cracked down the middle, probably due to Ninion, and was connected to a silver chain. The gem was a bright green and had multiple scratches where it hadn't been cracked. 

Hecate did recognise it, though she had hoped she would never see it again, "My first amulet holder was a crazy serial killer, he called himself The Demonic Nightmare but he would often use me. He would use that thing  to either control me or torture me for his own amusement." she started, the memories of what she had gone through flashing across her mind, "It provokes the selected demon and inflicts unbearable pain onto them. Though believe me when I say I have no bloody idea how it got here."

"I do," Ninion snarled looking into the shadows, to where she had seen the object, "does the word warning mean anything to you. This was clearly the work of that banished demon. Do you still think that's where your loyalties lie?" she questioned Hecate.

Hecate stopped breathing for a second. He wouldn't have done that to her. Had she been wrong to think it was even him in the first place?. For all she knew it could be some random demon who felt like a killing spree and had just failed in killing that woman Grace had gone to see earlier today.

"Please Hecate," Ninion was now practically begging, "If they were willing to do such a thing to a fellow demon imagine what they would do to a human!" she pleaded.

 "I don't know who it is." Hecate replied, "I had a theory but he wouldn't do this to me." Ninion sighed, "Could you at least tell me who you thought it was?" she asked.

Hecate nodded, "Zakrime. I called him Zak."

Ninion gave her a weak smile, "Thank you Hecate and it might not even be him, I'll ask Kahlan if she's heard of him and by the way," she helped Hecate onto her feet, "I'm assuming we've reached a peace, so feel free to call me by my earthy name."

Hecate returned the smile, at least she had someone she wouldn't have to hide her true form from, even if it was an angel, "Thanks, Daisy."


Yet Hecate hadn't been wrong in her suspicions. Zak himself walked along a street not too far away from the two girls. He still couldn't believe what he had seen. Hecate hadn't changed at all since he had seen her last. He couldn't say the same for himself though. His long, dark hair was a complete mess and he had gained multiple scars from fights he had gotten into.

He was hoping she had realised what the jewel had meant. He had found it where her first amulet holder had lived, back at the beginning of his journey to find her. He was positive she would recognise it, he had no idea what it was supposed to do though.

If he had known the effects the necklace had had on Hecate he would have destroyed it in a split-second but as it stood he had no idea. However he had something else on his mind. He wasn't sure when it would happen, or if Hecate herself had realised it was coming, but soon the night would come when the current amulet holder would find out that  there was a price for having an amulet demon in her life.   

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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