Chapter 5

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Instantly, all the blood left Grace's face. She waited for her father to continue. He walked up to her and placed both hands on her shoulders. "She was found lying on the side of the road and has been taken to hospital." His voice was wavering a bit as he stared right into her hazel eyes. 

Hospital? The word echoed in Grace's head. Was Marie alright? Lying on the side of the road?!

Tears began to fall from Grace's eyes and run down her cheeks. "H-how s-serious is it?" she stuttered not sure if she really wanted to know the answer.

Her father sighed," We don't know yet but don't worry, it'll be alright," he sounded as though he was trying to convince himself more than her. "What h-happened to her?" she whispered,  scared her voice would come out shaky, "Like I said, we're not sure yet but they think it was a wild animal," Grace's eyes widened at this information. An image of some beast attacking Marie flashed across her mind. She could almost hear her aunt screaming, see the blood and feel the icy wind across her skin. 

"E-excuse me," she mumbled before dashing out of the room. She knew she shouldn't have left but she didn't want Mrs Scannel or Hecate to see her crying. Why did her mind have to torture her like this. The visions of a bloody figure lying on the side of the road wouldn't go away. Tears were now streaming from her eyes as she ran past classrooms until she came to the end of the hallway.

She ran into the girl's toilets, thankful that no one else was in there for once, and locked herself in one of the cubicles. She sat down and covered her face with her hands. She knew her dad was probably worrying about her but she couldn't go back just yet. She just wanted to be alone . She sat there for a while before she heard the door open and someone come in.

She heard footsteps outside and someone knock on the cubicle door, "Hey? You in there Grace?" came a soft voice. Grace wiped her eyes before mumbling, "Yeah," her voice wasn't too shaky and she was thankful for that, "You wanna come out?" came the voice again. Grace reluctantly stood up, opened the door and came face to face with Hecate. For a few seconds the girls just stared at each other, hazel looking into dark brown. Then Hecate pulled Grace into a tight hug. Grace stiffened at first but then gave in and hugged Hecate back. They stood like that for a while before Grace pulled away. "We should head back." She began to make her way towards the door when she felt a cold hand clasp around her wrist, "It's alright, I'm sure Marie will be alright," Hecate reassured her giving her the first genuine smile all day.

They walked back to the class room in silence but it wasn't awkward. They went in to find an irritated Mrs Scannel eyeing them, "There you are Grace. You have been excused for the rest of the day to go and visit your aunt. Now, I suggest you get going otherwise you'll have to fight your way out as the bell is about to ring." Grace was shocked at her teachers lack of sympathy, but then again what did you expect from a complete she-devil. Her father nodded to the teacher and gestured for Grace to follow him as he made his way out the door.

Grace gave Hecate a weak smile before following her father.


  Once they had left Mrs Scannel turned to the window,  her hands clasped tightly behind her back , "We both know that wasn't a wild animal that attacked poor Marie,"  she uttered in an icy tone. She turned to face Hecate who was refusing to look her in the eye, "Grace isn't safe and you are going to have to do more than read a couple of pages in her diary if you want to protect her." Hecate glared at her, "How did you know-" Mrs Scannel held a hand up to silence her, "I may be banished but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve so it would do you good not to question me deary."  Hecate shut her mouth but continued to glare at the teacher with eyes that had now gone pitch black, "Don't you worry about me, I am more than capable of protecting her," her eyes narrowed, "and you seem pretty relaxed for someone working so close to one of them," she spat out the last word like it was poison. 

Mrs Scannel smiled wickedly, " Oh so you met her then-"

"Of course I did you witch,  how could I not have?!" The student took a deep breath before continuing in a more polite yet more dangerous tone," Now if you will excuse me." She gave one last death glare to the teacher before walking over to the door, " I'll be going," she pulled at the handle and opened the door, "Watch your tone deary, don't forget that around here I am your superior," Mrs Scannel mused, smiling wickedly.

 Hecate turned back to face her, her eyes now scarlet and ablaze with fury, "You may have tricks but I still have more power. So don't test me, deary ," 

Hecate existed the room and made her way down to the gardens that surrounded the school. 

No one was around so she sat down, the grass lightly tickling her legs. She let the tears that she had been holding back for what seemed like forever spill from her eyes, that were once again dark brown.

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Sorry for not updating sooner.

Bye :) 

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