Chapter 4

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The rest of the class seemed to fly by. Hecate stayed silent the whole time, though Mr Madison did ask her a few questions to try and break the ice Grace guessed. Hecate kept her head down and lips sealed. Not a moment too soon the bell rang for break and the whole class gathered their stuff and began to walk to the door.

Grace,like most of the class, had slowly been putting her equipment away for the past few minutes so she could get out quicker.

Hecate however was hot on her heels and even shoved someone out of her way so that she would be right behind Grace as the walked out the door. Grace tried to ignore her but eventually Clara caught up with them, "Hey wait up," she said tapping on Grace's shoulder, "Aren't you going to introduce us?" She inquired looking at Hecate. Grace sighed, "Clara, Hecate, Hecate, Clara," she could tell imediately that these two weren't going to get along. Though Clara could be cold and distant she was never mean and was always scolding Jiya when she even came close to passing a mean comment (which is why Jiya usually came to Grace when she needed a good rant).

Hecate eyed Grace then turned to Clara, "Hello Clara it is lovely to meet you, thank you on Grace's behalf for informing Mr Madison why we were late, I would have hated to cause trouble for her," she said in a polite tone before giving Clara a smile, though it only wasted a few seconds. Grace was a little shocked by Hecate's new behaviour but decided not to question it, especially in front of Clara.

"Lovely to meet you too...Hecate wasn't it?" Clara replied giving her a more genuine smile, though it hardly was ever genuine with Clara, except maybe with Daisy.

Hecate nodded and then returned her gaze to Grace as though looking for some sort of sign of approval. Wait, had this been because of Grace's comment from the beginning of class? Grace felt a tinge of guilt, she hadn't meant to be mean.

They walked out into the courtyard, the last rays of the summer sun beating down on them. Students walked in packs gossiping, laughing and in some cases fighting each other.

Grace scanned for Jiya or Daisy and spotted them standing under a tree on the far side of the courtyard. They made their way over, Jiya was the first to notice them,"We were wondering where you had got to," Jiya smirked, quickly stuffing something into her pocket, "You were on your phone again weren't you!?" Clara hissed at her. "Maybe," retorted, folding her arms. "Seriously Jiya! You couldn't follow the rules for a single day?!"

"Don't be too harsh on her Clara," Daisy giggled. "I would listen to your girlfriend Clara," Jiya teased, causing both Clara and Daisy to blush. "Ahem," Hecate coughed, lightly nudging Grace. "Oh right! Jiya and Daisy this is Hecate." She explained.

"Hey, nice to meet ya," Jiya beamed, offering a hand to Hecate. Hecate took it but let go after about two seconds. "H-h-hi there," Daisy stuttered, avoiding Hecate's eyes. Hecate didn't reply but instead glared at her. Daisy raised her head and their eyes connected.

Hecate smirked, "Didn't expect to see you here," she whispered, though it wasn't quiet enough. Daisy's face turned scarlet, "W-well I can say the same for y-you H-Hecate," she didn't sound or look half as intimidating as Hecate though you could still hear the anger in her trembling voice.

"You two have met before?" Jiya inquired looking from one girl to the other. Neither of them broke eye contact, "Not exactly," Daisy uttered still looking straight at Hecate.

Suddenly the courtyard went silent.

Mrs Scannel strode through the courtyard, the students parting like the Red sea. She walked up to Grace for a second time that day but this time she spoke more softly, "Grace, I think you'd better come with me." The fact that she had used her first name meant that this likely was serious and it made Grace very uneasy.
"Su-sure," Grace answered. Mrs Scannel turned and made her way back up to the school.

Grace began to follow her but felt a hand on her wrist. She turned and saw Hecate, "I'll come too," she said releasing her grip, "No it's alright,"

"Did it sound like I was asking," Hecate replied also heading back to the school.

Grace made to retort but Hecate showed no signs of stopping so Grace was forced to just follow and hope Mrs Scannel didn't talk about anything personal.

Grace and Hecate made their way to Mrs Scannel's office for the second time, this trip seeming much longer than the last. The whole time thoughts whirling around Grace's head.

Why had she been called?
What did Mrs Scannel need to tell her that she couldn't say in front of Daisy, Jiya and Clara?
And why did Hecate care?

They entered the office and standing beside Mrs Scannel was someone Grace had not been expecting to see.

"Dad?" She asked, a shocked expression on her face.

His eyes were red as though he had been crying and he gestured for her to come forward. Grace however stayed by Hecate and asked, "Have I done something wrong?" Certain that she hadn't. Mrs Scannel eyed Hecate but didn't question why she was there and instead replied, "No, nothing like that, you see, your father has some upsetting news, go ahead." She looked to Grace's dad. He sighed and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"It's Marie,"

Thanks for reading!!!
Please comment and I hope to update a little more often (sorry in advance :) )
The plot is really going to start moving now, I just had to introduce everyone, though there was an important plot point in this chapter.
Again thanks for reading!!!!! :)

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