Chapter 7

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Grace was floating in a black void. She couldn't see anything or feel the ground beneath her feet. However she could feel the cold and hear a faint humming. Fog began to surround her forming images in front of her. First it was Marie, lying unconscious, then it was Jiya in chains, next is was Clara being carried by what looked like an eagle. Then it took the form of someone she had never seen before, she couldn't make out any details but from what she could make out it was a boy, a little taller than herself. His eyes were ablaze and golden. He reached out towards her but before he cold touch her, his image vanished.

Then she heard a voice in the dark. It sounded familiar yet it was so quiet Grace couldn't hear what it was saying. Then it got louder, "Grace! Grace!" it was calling out to her. Suddenly she felt a stabbing pain, right through her heart. She looked down and saw a bright crimson light directly in front of her. Then it began to expand and encircle her. Slowly it engulfed her, blinding her and burning her skin and just as she felt like she was about to collapse a hand grabbed her own and the light was gone.

She opened her eyes, her vision a little blurry at first. All she could see was a black mass above her but as her vision came into focus she recognized the face above her.

"Hecate?" the girl above her gave a genuine smile and loosened her grip on Grace's hand. "How are you feeling? You were out for a while. Did something happen?" she asked her. Suddenly, memories flooded into Grace's mind, Marie touching her necklace, the screaming, her passing out. She sat up in the hospital bed, "Marie! Is she alright!?" her hand jumped to her chest and she felt the amulet still around her neck. Hecate shoved her back down, "Your aunt is fine, she woke up a little earlier than you. You shouldn't be worrying, you don't want any more nightmares. What were you dreaming by the way?" she asked.

Grace rubbed her head, trying to remember her dream, it all seemed so hazy now, "I can't really remember much, weird how dreams do that. Hey, where's my dad?" she replied looking up at Hecate.  Hecate looked disappointed but said, "With the doctors, he should be here soon," she stood up and walked over to the window. 

Grace sat up again and something occurred to her, "How did you know I had passed out?" Hecate turned to face her, an uncomfortable look on her face, "I know someone  who works here, I came to visit them and saw you," Grace didn't completely believe her, the fact that she couldn't seem to look Grace in the eye gave her the impression that she wasn't being completely truthful, then again, what other option was there. 

The door opened and Grace's father came in. He saw her sitting up in bed and ran to her bedside."Grace! You're awake! Thank G-" 

"I'll be going now," Hecate announced before Grace's father could finish his sentence. He looked up at her, probably just realizing that she was there, "I'm sorry, who are you?" he asked her. "She's from school." Grace told him. He eyed Hecate as though he was deciding whether he should believe his daughter or not. Hecate smiled at him and with one last glance at Grace she left the room, leaving the father and daughter alone. 

Hecate silently cursed herself as she walked down the hall. How could she have let something happen to Grace already? She knew that as soon as Grace placed the amulet around her neck, monsters and demons would be able to sense her and it was her job to protect her. However it was usually a few months until the human was in any danger. To be attacked so quickly, this couldn't be a coincidence. 

However one thing was clear to Hecate now. It had been a demon that had attacked Marie. Some kind of venom or blood must have still been on Marie's skin,  that's why both her and Grace had reacted that way they had when she had touched the amulet. A demon can't touch another demon's artifact or artifact holder without immense pain being inflicted on both of them.

As soon as Hecate had felt it she had ran to the hospital. No one had seen her and she had been counting on Mrs Scannel to cover for her. Whilst she hated putting trust in others like that she hadn't exactly had a choice in the matter.

Who could the demon have been? Whoever it was they had known who their target was. A memory floated to the front of her mind. 

It was when she had first been  cursed to the mortal world. She could still see him reaching out, desperately trying to stop her from disappearing, "I'll find you Hecate! I promise!" How long had it been since that day? Years? Decades? Centuries? Time passed differently for their kind and after a long time of being a slave to her new amulet holder time had become nothing to her. 

Could it have been him? Had he really found her after all these years? No, she couldn't let her hopes cloud her sense. Her main priority was Grace. Even if it was him, Hecate couldn't let anyone, man or monster, hurt her amulet holder and, maybe even, friend.


Little did she know that deep in the forest surrounding the city, at the bottom of a tree, sat the very boy she had been thinking of and he too was remembering the day she had been banished to the human world.

He reached for her but his hand passed right through her's as though she was a mere illusion. He could see the panic in her eyes and it broke him to see her so scared, "I'll find you Hecate! I promise!" and before his eyes, she vanished. He clenched his fist and turned to face the man that had cast the curse, "You won't get away with this!" he yelled, "I don't care how long it takes! I will find her and when I do," he pointed at him, "I'm coming for you!" 

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