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THANK YOU magician15aug FOR THE COVER.💖
[A/N: We won't talk much about Asher now.]

Another day began. Another day at work. I didn't want to do this. Who would? But I had to. Not for me but for my little sister at least. I couldn't let anything happen to her. She's all I had anymore. I have to be there for her, I have to. We can't be sent back to that hell hound again.

So this is why I accepted this job imposed on me by the Principal of Northland High. Also the Leader of the Backstreet Gang.

He helped us get out of that foster home and gave us a place. No, it wasn't out of kindness. Lets just say I've been the messenger boys for the gang a couple of times. 


He needed an insight on Alexa Caron. The 'it' girl of Northland High for reasons unknown. I needed the money and also the education. But I still didn't agree. I couldn't do it. This is when he threatened to harm my sister and stop her education. I didn't want her to ever struggle in life. I wanted her to be happy. She was my only weakness and he knew. 

There was no point resisting because I knew he could hurt her and I won't be able to do anything. This is the difference between the powerful and the powerless. We had nothing. In the end, no words were exchanged. I was just handed a camera and a laptop. Along with books for my semester at Northland.

That night I just held my sister tight and lied in bed till sleep overcame me. 



It wasn't hard being popular when you've lived here your whole life. Add the fact that your rich on top of that and boom your popular no matter how you are or what you are.

I never really did want to be popular. But when high school started it was as if people wanted me to do just that, like needed me to that. I wasn't the best when it came to handling peer pressure. I don't know how. Its just that me and my friends became popular somehow. We somehow became the hot popular table.

My friends could be mean when they wanted. They dumped most of their friends. I didn't really have a say in it because who was I to judge. I didn't even know these people.I guess.

Well hanging out with them had its consequences. Now I'm pretty sure that's left of me is only the cold heartless bitch inside.

According to everyone now I had the perfect life. I had the guys, the marks and the money. People call me lucky people  just because I had these. And those same people would call you materialistic.

When in reality it was nothing like that. No one looks at the baggage that comes with these But no one pays attention to that. Well when you're popular you never really have the guys because you both know you're cheating on each other. The marks don't come flying on their own you actually have to take out time out of partying to actually study. And the money? Well it comes with a bigger cost of the condition of your family. Your mom and dad are always busy and are probably cheating on one another and they know it. You are never together and its as if you live alone because people say when things go bad families still stay together. Well they are wrong. Families flee away and stay far away as possible. Thats what they do.

I would give up all my money just so that I could have a loving family, loving guy and not have to worry about the facade.

These three years have taken a toll I guess. You could pretend to be sweet and happy on the outside.

But for how long is the Question.


also, magician15aug makes great covers... give them a shot

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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