Layla: "Yes, I am here to check-in. The reservation is under Layla Kato."

She did a quick search through, but by her response, I could tell she couldn't find me in the system. 'I guess Chris put the reservation under his name.' I thought.

Layla: "If you can't find it under my name, it might be under my boss's name. Chris Roire."

Chisato: "Miss Kato, unfortunately, I can't find you in our system and the gentleman's name you gave me, I see that he made a reservation, but then he called to cancel it this morning. We already filled the room." She said with a worried expression.

Layla: "What?" I said in disbelief. "He cancelled the reservation? That makes no sense. Could you check again?" I asked, praying it was just a small system error.

Chisato: "Yes, Ma'am." she replied.

Layla: "I could I borrow your phone for a minute." I asked politely.

Chisato handed me a cordless phone then continued to search for my reservation. While she checked, I frantically call Chris. After the third call, he answered.

Chris: "Hello?" he said in the same disinterested tone he has always had towards me.

Layla: "Hey, Chris. There seems to be some sort of mishap with the Shinjuku reservation. You did call to make a reservation, right?" I said, giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Chris: "Yeah, I called."

Layla: "Okay, well, they are saying you called this morning to cancel the reservation." I said, looking for some answers.

Chris: "Yeah, and," He said in a way, suggesting that this wasn't that much of a problem.

Layla: "Excuse me? Did you not understand what I just said?" I said, confused by his disregard.

Chris: "Layla, how long do you plan on talking for because I have more important things to do with my time."

'This guy must have finally lost his mind,' I composed myself and tried my hardest not to curse him out. I took a deep breath, then replied.

Layla: "I'm stranded in Japan right now, with nowhere to stay. Are you not understanding the gravity of the situation?" I said, trying to keep my calm.

Chris: "I understand. It's just that I don't care. Maybe this mishap can help you understand where you stand in this company. You see, you've been stepping out of your little box recently, but playtime's over. Maybe this will help you get back in line." He said with no hint of compassion or remorse.

Layla: "Chris! Did you sabotage my trip to Japan because you are upset that I walked in on your daughter?" I said in disbelief at his childish tactics.

Chris: "Layla. Why would I do that? That's so petty. He said sarcastically. "But I guess you're better at reading between the lines than I thought." He said, chuckling to himself before he spoke again. "By the way, if your feeling like calling Mr. Stanford to complain, just know I've covered all my bases." His words laced with cockiness.

Layla: "Chris!"

Chris: "I hear snitches can weasel there way out of any situation. So Layla, go on. Weasel away. "He said then he hung up.

Layla: "Chris! Chris!" I repeated when the line went dead.

'That freaking BASTARD!' I thought, feeling the urge to scream. Frustrated, I walked back over to Chisato at the front desk.

Chisato: "Miss Kato. Are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

Layla: "No, not really." I said, not able to lie about how I was feeling at the moment. "Are there any rooms available?" I inquired.

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