The Knight and the Valkyrie

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Never had a someone rode a dragon as big as yours, nor had anyone ever tamed anything near as aggressive. While the other dragons seemed to sneer at you before, they stopped that very quickly after Satan put them in their place. Now they just kept a respectful distance.

The Vikings too, stayed away from the beast. Strange to think that even though they fought the dragons for years, they still didn't want to fight your Goliath. They stared in open admiration, you must had accented to godhood in their eyes. You felt more powerful then any king, as if you could tell them to bow and they'd do it. You jumped down dramatically, hiding your tiredness as vanity made you stand tall despite the fact you wanted to collapse.

Your shield's Templar cross had been melted off, leaving the metal blacked from heat. Your chest was slightly bent from Satan's teeth, while your helmet had the line of his claws running down.

You placed your hand on your shoulder, rolling your arm in your socket. Similarly Satan rose to his hind legs, showing off his full size and blasted a large plume of black flames into the sky. Everyone took a visible step back, more then a little afraid of the colossus. It would appear that Satan also liked the attention, you both took a somewhat evil satisfaction in being seen as superior.

Valka and Cloudjumper were the first in the scene, landing on a building not far off. Cloudjumper gave a low pitched growl while Satan snarled, Cloudjumper lifted its four wings and tried to intimidate Satan. To your surprise the Nightmare turned around as if to flee, when he suddenly spun and tail whipped the smaller dragon.

"Cloudjumper!" Valka cried in concern, seeing a long trail of blood from a decent size cut above his eye. Satan smirked evilly, making it clear he wasn't going to tolerate any kind of threat. Cloudjumper was no push over however, roaring in fury. It was only through Valka's efforts to calm him that he didn't attack Satan, which would have ended badly one way or any other. "Outlander! Get that dragon under control!"

You lifted your shield and bashed the Nightmare in the head, knocking his brains around inside a little. Satan looked at you for a moment, considering simply on wether or not to eat you or something. Ultimately though he decided against it, since he wasn't strong enough to throw down with you. Though he did give a huff of annoyance, giving Cloudjumper of look that says it wasn't over.

Valka jumped down nimbly, landing only a few feet from you as she approached rapidly. "Outlander, we need to talk."
"I was sure you were done for." Hiccup told you, sitting opposite you in the great hall. You could see a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders, your supposed death must have been a burden on him. Hiccup would have blamed himself for what happened despite there being no other option, your armour was too much for Toothless to carry.

"Me too, but wouldn't you know me and Satan found a bond." You told him smirking, again feeling quite god like. Satan was seated behind you, standing over every other dragon in the great hall. You'd gotten stares off of everyone all day, though Astrid had been missing.

"I just want to say..." Hiccup started, but you knew what he was going to say. You reached over and pressed your hand on his shoulder, smiling a him.

"Don't worry about it, there's nothing to be sorry about. I'm not angry or anything, as far as I'm concerned you and I are friends." Hiccup gave a deep breath, clearly happy about your feelings, or lack of. He took your hand in his own, you both gave a tight squeeze as a sign of friendship.

"Thanks, so how's dragon riding been suiting you?" He asked.

"Where to begin? It's been nothing but pain, agony and misery." You stated sarcastically, earning a slap from Satan's tail. You gave a short laugh, teasing your dragon. "So far it's been hard to describe, we had to land somewhere for the night..." Your trailed off, thinking about whatever it was that had been watching you both. Satan didn't seem to like it either, it was a time best left behind. It was however, a great bonding period for you.

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