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"My name, is (Y/N)" You told them. You had been sat at the table in the main hall, the Viking leaders all gathered around you. You'd washed up on their shores, so of course they wanted to know who you were. But the woman, who's name was Astrid, seemed determined to get you to spill detail about yourself. Their leader, hiccup, was around your height but a bit slimmer.

Vikings, your heard of them. They were infamous for committing raids of various sizes across Ashfield, where your people hailed from originally. Your warriors had failed to hold them back at first, but then the legions stepped in, no vikings in Ashfield anymore.
The leader noticed the way you were looking at his black dragon, one that sat protectively next to him.

"Oh hey, (Y/N), I'm chief Hiccup and this is toothless. You don't need to be afraid of him, we have peace here. Let me show you..." He put this hand out for toothless, who moved into his riders hand. You were fascinated by the relationship between the two, you'd seen dogs who had affection for their masters, but this was something else entirely. Hiccup then placed his hand on your shoulder, guiding his dragon towards you.

Toothless took one sniff then snorted at you, his whole body tensed at you. His eyes turned to Cat like slits, while his back arched and his wings extended. In fact all the dragons that you'd passed had taking offence to your presence, you couldn't help but wonder why since the vikings were surprised.

From what you'd heard from passers by, just little snippets of conversation, that dragons usually snorted at people who had harmed them personally. So people seemed surprised that dragons seem to universally hated you by default, since there's no way some of them had met you before.

Hiccup immediately tried to calm down his dragon, though toothless seemed to be having none of it. "Woah woah woah! What's going on buddy? Cam, down already, jeez." Then he turned back towards you, a concerned expression on his face. "That's strange, he usually well mannered around no people."

"Maybe it's because he tried to knock out Snotlout." Astrid suggested, her arms crossed in an intimidating stance. It didn't work though, you were an orphan grieving for your father. Sure you'd come across a new world, but the one you came from was gone now, or at least it felt like it.

"Astrid, you want to knock him out, even I want to knock him out on occasion. Heck, his own dragon wants to know him out, when was the last time Hookfang didn't try and throw him." The reason you'd gone and hit him was the way he tried to intimidate you, you may have panicked for a split second when he started brandishing that axe.

Silence settled in the great hall, no one knew what to say next and you weren't going to share anything. Everyone had questions, you doubted they knew what they were though. Eventually, Astrid pressed the interrogation.

"So, (Y/N) where are you from?"


"Never heard of it."

"And I never heard of Berk, guess we're both in unexplored territory."

When you mentioned Ashfield, hiccup started to fish through his various pockets and pulled out a notebook. He opened it, unfolding a serious of paper drawings revealing a large map. "Just point where you come from, on this map." He told you.

You had to admit it was impression just how much ground they'd covered to plot this, it was larger then any map you'd seen in Ashfield. If they were riding these great flying beasts though, it wasn't hard to see how. You started to study it, looking for any reference points you knew off. You figured that since you'd never heard of each other's lands, you probably had a different name for most of the lands, so rather then look for name you looked for shapes and familiar landscapes. Then your eyes frowned, your mind starting to panic...

For Honour - How to Train Your Dragon (Astrid x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now