Mystery Me Chapter 5

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"Yeah, since we just moved here, we were curious if you had a facebook?  Marc has been here for a year and knows some people that might know you.  He doesn't remember ever meeting you though, but he's seen you around school.  Maybe we could use his and search for you?"

I stopped breathing, for God knows how many times tonight.  I swiveled around, looking into Jessie's eyes and nodded my head feverously.

He smiled, and before I knew what was happening, he hugged me and kissed my temple.


"Yes, Jessie?"  My voice shook slightly, and I silently cursed.

He looked down, before looking back into my eyes.  He sighed, brushed my cheeck with his fingertips, and then quietly said:  "Let's get you back to bed.  Morning will be here before you know it."  I blinked at his response, before grabbing the duvet comforter and sliding my long tan legs under them.  They were slightly cold, but my legs were sweaty so it was okay.

"Yeah, I guess your right."  I leaned back, then tried gettiing comfy with my arrangement of pillows.  I sighed when it wasn't working.

"Here, let me."  Jessie pulled out the top two pilows from underneath my head, and fluffed them both.  Promptly, he placed them under my raised head, and as my head fell into the soft pillows, a sigh escaped my lips and sleep seemed so...enticing.

I heard him laugh lightly as he made his way to my door to leave.  But I didn't want him too.

"Goodnight, my dear.  Sweet dreams, and let's hope for no nightmares?"  He had his hand on the door knob, already turning it and pushing it slowly open.  But I just sat up, wanting him even more as I saw him start to take his leave.

"No, Jessie please don't leave me.  Just in case?"  I added that question, not only for comfort in his answer, but to make me seem less...scared.  I didn't want to relive the night I almost died.

 "Sure."  A small smile appeared on his face, and glimmer of hope dancd in his eyes.  Hope?  Maybe I was mistaken by my lack of soundless sleep.

"Here, just lay-"  Jessie came over to the side of the bed and slid his body under the covers, and then we noticed how close we were.  "Right next to me."  I finished, breathing erratic.

He smiled, before pushing one arm underneath my neck and the other carelessly draping over my waist, bringing me closer to him.  My head was in the crook of his neck, and my body seemed to meld perfectly into his.

I breathed in his sweet scent, before fluttering my eyes and falling asleep.

I woke up to the curtains dancing in the sunlight this time, and the fresh scent of cut grass tickled my nose as I looked around my new room.

"Marc just mowed the lawn, and if you concentrate really hard, you could smell my mother making breakfast."  A voice spoke from above me.  I jumped, and then blushed when I recalled how I fell asleep.  In none other than Jessie's arms.

"I'm sorry, Mercy if I scared you."

"No, no you didn't.  I just forgot I asked you to sleep with me.  Uh, I mean next to me, not with me.  Ugh-"  He cut me off with his chuckles before speaking.

"I know what you mean Mercy.  I wouldn't take advantage of you when your still recovering from everything. I think it's time we should get up and stitch up that cut on your back."  I nodded in response, before slowly sitting up and climbing out of the bed.  I was still in the clothes Meredith gave me, and I opened up a dresser to find white shirts, socks, and a pair of old jeans.  I grabbed a shirt and the jeans, before turning to Jessie.  His hair was messed up and he had slight bags under his eyes.  Before I knew what I was doing, I walked over to him and ran my hand quickly over the top of his hair, and then froze.  I pulled my hand back and hid it under the clothes I was carrying.

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