Mystery Me Chapter 2

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So, for some reason my computer is spazzing right now.  Spazzing isn't really a word...  But that's the only way I can describe it!  Well, carry on!  Vote, comment, fan, ecetera!

I sat there, on my bed the McKinly's so graciously offered me.  I took it.  Not knowing who I am, was, or should be.  Heck, I didn't even know what amnesia was until Jessie explained it to me while showing me to this room.  My room.  My room was blank, filled with necessities and minimal decorations.  I could see the sparkling waters and the dancing sunlight as I sat at the foot of my bed, staring off into space and my brain making circles over and over again, trying to grasp a glimpse into our past together.

Nothing, not a flutter or a stir.  It didn't surprise me in the least, I've been trying for an hour straight.  I did, however, feel remorse and disappointment course through my unknown blood; some how it mocks me.  I feel like I shouldn't even know the basics of how to think and function properly, yet I do.  It's like I had a sixth sense just for recognition.  I wonder if this will help in my search for the loss of memory?

No, of course not.  My body is wired differently than my brain.  My body is the one registering the pain of my flesh wounds, not my brain.  Sure, it's aware that it's host is in pain, but it's not the one in pain.  It's like me.  Just sitting there.  Not helping anyone, or itself, and not hurting anyone, but itself.  It's hurting itself, yes.  It's making itself tire out easily from the search for anything, and it's just like me.

My loss of memory may just be a minor or temporary case.  Hopefully.  Or it could be like how other people get it and it returns at the mere mention of a symbol.  A symbol.  An object representing a meaning or idea.  Again, I'm recognizing the facts and their meanings, but I'm not connecting them.  Even though I'm trying so very hard too.

I sighed, unwilling to further my dispair anymore than it already is.  I got up, both mentally and physically, to pull myself to look at the serene view in front of my open window.

Serene.  That's what it's not.  Nothing is serene about the view before me.  I almost died at this 'serene' scene.  Funny how nature is supposed to rejuvenate and enlighten the mind and body, except it left my mind in a world full of nothingness and meaningless objects.  It left my body, on the other hand, in a wreck and caused me more pain as I limped over to witness this serene view.

Now I am the mock-er.  I am mocking what was supposed to be pure and good.  Now all I see is pain and evil.  What happens when the sun sets?  Leaving the shadows to take over the trees and the river?  Everything.  It's harmful, pure opposite of what it was an hour before the change.  I should be like the day, except I'm left in the dark.

My internal rampage was put on hold, because before I knew it, my door was lightly knocked on.  My door.  Just like my mind, it closes the room off.  This very door is keeping me in, and everything out.  It's allowing the necessities to stay in, but the meanings and life to stay out.  Just like me.  In my mind I know the necessities to function, but other than that, nothing else. My internal block is unabling me to experience life, and discover the life I had beforehand.

Shaking myself, I called out a 'Come in.'

Jessie appeared around my half opened door.  Silently addressing me, he slipped in.  He shut the door quietly, before coming in to stand near me, but enough room in between us to not scare me.

"How are you doing?"  He asked, his hazel ones quietly assessing me.  Too bad he couldn't see any more injuries than I already flaunt on the outside than what I have hurt on the inside.  My mind.  And my heart.

"Fine, minus my missing identity and my bizarre injuries."  We sat there in silence as we started to watch the sun dip past the trees, until the sun was hanging by a thread did he begin to talk again.

"I'm sorry, but I'm just glad we found you with a pulse.  It's pretty nervewracking finding a body covered in blood in the woods, despite it being by the lake.  And your a girl, too."  He finished, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I must agree, that must be hard."  I consolidated.

"Listen, my mother just made pasta and we were wondering if you'd like to join us.  After all your practically family."  He winked, knowing that that was far from the truth.  My stomach growled at the mere mention of the word pasta, so it must like whatever food I'm about to consume is.

We laughed, hearing my belly answer for myself instead of my mouth answering.  We started to leave, me noting how the sun has disappeared and in it's place are twinkling lights.

"Danny, can you please turn on the news?"  The mother said.  Her name is Meredith, considering she introduced herself to me.  I could not comply, I didn't even know who I was yet.

 "Yes, mom."  Answered the younger brother of the family.  After a few seconds, the news was on and informing us on the weather for the next week, which I momentarily took into consideration before disregarding it.  I just stood there, watching as Jessie left my side to go help his mother.  Watching Danny help them both.  Watching Thomas, their father, sit on the couch reading the newspaper.  And Marc slaving over the stove while his aunt prepared the salad for the evening.  I counte all of the place settings, six in total.  Who was the six person?

Me.  I was the sixth person.  However, I'm also the only person who doesn't know who I am and why I am who I am today.

"Mrs. McKinly?"  I spoke softly after several minutes of standing, watching.  The fluttering stopped, leaving only the news and the bubbles of the pasta sauce to interrupt the silence.  At once, all the heads of this picture perfect family turned to look my way, including Thomas.

"Thank you, all of you.  For being so..."  I stood there, trying to think of a word.

"Hospitable, do you mean dear?  Well it's quite alright with us.  We love having you and helping you."  Mrs. McKinly lowered the knnife she was using to cut vegetables to talk to me, tilting her head to the side and her eyes shining with love and care.  My heart wanted to run to her, to hug her and be safe.  But I knew that I didn't know her, and vice versa.  Actually, they knew nothing besides my appearence, my injuries, and my becoming to their doorstep.  Not literally, of course.

"Thank you, yes that's it.  Hospitable."  I whisered the last word, feeling if it fits in my mouth and how it rolls off my tongue.

"Well, since you are our guest, you may take any seat you'd like."  I bowed my head at her request.  I quickly found the nearest seat available- All the seats were available, except for probably the head two chairs.  (Think a rectangle dinning room table, with two chairs on the long side each, and one chair at the heads of the tables each. [==]  Like that.)

In a few minutes time, the dinner table was set and steaming of delicious smells.  The seond person to gather to the table was Mr. McKinly.  The second was Jessie, third was Danny, and the last two were Marc and Meredith.  They brought the sauce and spaghetti, Jessie with the freshly made salad, and Danny with the condiments for each dish.  I sat with Thomas empty-handed.

The news was still going on in the dinning room, and when we were all settled with food on our porcelain plates, the first bites was balance preariously in the air, but was cut short at the news.

"Mercedes Smith was found missing this morning.  Her family does not know where she currently is, and it investigators are currently searching for her.  We advise each televiewer to remain aware for this young, seventeen year old."  With the female announcer's voice speaking, a picture of an auburn-blonde girl with striking green eyes and thick eyelashes, with a heart shaped face, flashed on the screen.  She was smiling, and was staring straight at the camera.  It almost looks like she's watching you and seeiing into your very soul.  It was kind of creepy, but amazing.

Forks clattered onto the plates and table top.  I was the one to move last, to assess everyone's curious looks.

Well, we now know who I am, but what else is waiting for me?  Or, who else?

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