Then all of a sudden the door flys open as I turn around, seeing Gabby as she is pointing at Chienne.

"Who is this bitch?!" She yelled, and if it couldn't have gone any worse, Chienne already pulled out her knife.

"A bitch that's about to kill you - oh! Your pregnant? Even better." Gabby's face turned into shock as Chienne ran at her, and unconsciously, I was grabbing Chiennes wrist. Twisting back as it was now shaped as a V.

"Liam what the hell are you doing!?" I dropped her arm, trying to calm down as I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't decide on my own to do that...

"Liam. Can we talk?" Gabby asks, and Chienne throws the knife like a dagger, grazing Gabby's cheek as she wasn't fast enough. When I saw the blood, I don't know what went over me. But it had Chienne pinned against the wall as my claws were barely digging into the flesh of her throat.

Her eyes were wide with horror, making me regain my body and mind. I pulled away slowly, looking at my hand as the claws slowly retracted. I glanced over at Gabby, her eyes soft as she looked away shyly. Again - unconsciously - I saw myself walking towards her as I cupped her cheek, looking at the scratch.

"Are you okay?" I'm supposed to be ignoring her! Why the hell am I speaking to her and being all lovey-dovey?

"Yes...thank you for asking. It'll heal fast it's nothing." I nodded, pulling away as I turned to my sister. Seeing her hiding behind the island as she held my large kitchen knife that I've never used. Her eyes are filled with terror, and I know that she knows what I am now.


"Chiénne..." I step in front of Gabby just in case Chienne does anything rash." I don't know how to say this..."

"You are one of them now?! It all makes sense..." She ran to the knifes as she grabbed a sharp Ballistic Knife. I thought I threw that out, not only is that knife dagger-like, but can spray antifreeze that is detachable.

"Chienne, think about this."

"Oh! I'm thinking! I'm thinking real long and hard Liam! I don't know if I should kill you, or the woman behind you that is pregnant with more devil spawns." She spat, pulling the string on the gas. Only one switch could cause that to go everywhere... I'm immune to the antifreeze, but Gabby isn't...

"I am your brother-."

"And I'm your older sister that wants the best for you! Not only has that bitch done whatever she's done to you, but she made you fall in love with her. And even worse, if I didn't know any better...I'd think those devils inside her womb were" She cocked her head, hand shaking as her finger hovered over the switch.

"Yes." Is all I say, and Chienne is dropping the knife as it falls on the ground. Her eyes are watery as she shakes her head.

"How could you betray the family like this Liam? You loved killing people like her-."

"I never did!" I started walking towards her slowly." I killed all those Werewolves to make all of you happy. To impress Father so that he wouldn't be disappointed in me. I was never interested in blood lust. Unlike all of you, I believe there's more to life than killing Werewolves. I mean, weren't they human once?" Once I ask this question I'm now bending over to grab the knife. Once I have it in my hands I lock the switch, putting it in my pocket.

"Yes, Liam. But it's tradition."

"Well then the tradition sucks!" I look over my shoulder, seeing Gabby watching us intently." I...I always knew that the Couteau legacy was just an excuse to kill something and not get in trouble. Our family is the reason why Werewolves are hated, and doesn't that make you feel shitty?"

Chienne looked away, realization crossing her face.

"Very shitty. But not only has half the family disappeared, but now you got a werewolf pregnant. You should be ashamed."

"But I'm not ashamed. It didn't happen the way I'd prefer it, but it's better than nothing and dying alone and without someone to pass on your genes. And not only that, I get to live immortal, so, who has it lucky now?" I didn't want my powers anymore then I was letting on, I just wanted her to see past the killings.

She walked around me as she was now gesturing over towards Gabby.

"How old is she?"

"A 110 years old." When I say this Chienne snorts as Gabby folds her arms.

"This old woman is having a baby-."

"Babies. That's what I came to talk to Liam about. I need you to see how much kids we have." I found myself raising my eyebrows. How the hell am I going to know how my hair babies there is?!

"There's a thing called a Doctor for that." Chienne says, making Gabby shake her wildly.

"The last time a woman went there when she was a werewolf they didn't see babies, they saw pups. She escaped nearly with her life as they were gonna have someone come to test her. I'm good. Because if that's me, some blood will be on the walls."

Chienne glanced up at me as I shrugged, making her let out an exasperated sigh.

"See!? I don't know why you have gotten yourself involved in this shit."

"Um because it's my life?"

"Don't sass me."

I roll my eyes as I head to Gabby, but I am still remembering what she did to me. But I won't discuss that around Chienne, or Gabby and there might really shed some blood.

"How am I going to find how many babies are in there? I'm not a doctor, nor do I have any powers."

"Yes, but you can hear their heart beats if you believe you can. If you're hesitant than you'll never hear it. Believe. I do."

"Of course you do." I hear Chienne mutter under her breath.

"Chienne." I say, calling her a bitch, not her actual name.

But I don't know what I'm doing at all. One, I don't want to do it in front of Chienne. Two, I'm supposed to be mad and ignoring Gabby. Three, this is not how my day should've been going at all.

"Leave." I look to Chienne as her face turns red, not out of embarrassment, but anger.

"Are you kicking me out?"

"You never lived here. You don't belong here. This is a wolf life, unless you offer being bitten." I was being sarcastic, but Chienne stood her ground as she let out her wrist.

"Okay, bite-."

"Get out." I grab her arm and forcibly push her out the door. And once it closes I look it, making sure she can't come in.

After that I realize that Gabby and I are alone... We haven't been alone in a few days...I still am not used to it. I guess I will have to be now. Like, what the hell is this?

The Emergence Of The Alpha Twins  ( UNDER REVISING )Where stories live. Discover now