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Dear bjy ,

Hi! Im glad you received the gifts and you look like you actually like it . Why did you suddenly bring it to sch today tho haha cutie

I heard that you will be performing a song during our teachers' day celebration

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I heard that you will be performing a song during our teachers' day celebration. Is it true ? Ahh I can't wait tho

I will be cheering your name so don't get nervous and do well okay

I believe in you and your vocal ability and btw I actually learned to play guitar so maybe we can you know sing together one day like ok i know just in my dream haha

Why must you be so prefect making me feel so small :')

Bye !

Jinyoung's pov

" I thought you didn't want to join what's with the sudden change of mind " jihoon asked

" nothing i just feel like performing it now "

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