"Do you know where he would be, Marley?" I asked, running out of other options.

There's silence and I can hear my heartbeat. Marley doesn't turn, but I hear her say, "Check his hometown, Illkley. He always talked about going back home one day" and then she was gone.

"Illkley, that's a wizarding town in Yorkshire. Not known for much except its hopelessness at Quidditch. It was mentioned in 'Quidditch Through the Ages'" Cam explained, looking at me.

I smiled at him. "I have never loved your obsession with Quidditch more, Cam". He just laughed.

"Well then..." Ari started, holding out her hand.

"Nuh uh, I'm apparating us this time, girl" Roze laughed, placing her hand over Ari's. Ari pouted, while Cam and I laughed, placing our hand on theirs as well.

The familiar feeling of apparation was no easier, but the landing, unlike last time, was smooth.

"Nice Roze" I smiled.

"I will get better" Ari voiced, pouting. Cam laughed hugged her to his side.

"We know, Ari."

I smiled, and then looked around us, stepping out from the secluded little side street Roze had apparated us to and found the town of Illkley was bustling, many witches and wizards wandered around enjoying their days, the signs of magic everywhere.

"So how do we find Adam here?" Cam asked, coming to stand beside me.

I sighed, looking around at the many people. It was almost sunset, the day racing past much quicker than I would have liked. "Marley said he wanted to go home. So I'd guess his house, where he and my dad grew up".

Roze's hand slipped into mine, and I was happy to have her there with me. She knew me so well; she knew what I was feeling even before I did. I looked over to her, the vibrant orange of her hair and the familiar Weasley brown of her eyes shot a pang of familiarity through me, the thought of Fred coming to mind.

My heart missed him already, I didn't even want to think about how long it would be until I got to see him again.

"So how do we find his house?" Roze asked me. I tucked away the thoughts of Fred as I focused on finding my uncle.

"I remember coming here when I was really little, only three or four. When my grandparents were still alive, we visited them" I paused, looking around. "But it's getting dark, I don't think I'd recognise the house in dark" I sighed.

"Alright, let's find a place to stay for the night," Ari voiced, looking up and down the street.

Roze pointed out a sign hanging over a pub, indicating an inn located above. It was decided it was best we keep a low profile, so Roze, Cam and I stayed in the little backstreet while Ari booked the room under a fake name, and we used the back stairs to get to the room.

There was one double bed, a couch and a little rollaway bed we could use, a fireplace and one window overlooking the main street of the small town. Considering it was a pub hotel, the room wasn't actually half bad. Cam offered to take the couch, and Ari took the rollaway, claiming she didn't want to share with Roze because 'she kicked like crazy in her sleep'. This was unfortunately true.

As everyone settled, I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the bracelet, spinning it around my wrist and examining the intricate design. With nothing other than the engraving on the box, I hadn't any idea why it was for me.

"Why is it so cold in here? Summer only ended yesterday" Roze complained, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Probably the poor insulation and the oldness of the building. Hold on, I'll light the fire" Cam said, moving to the fireplace.

"Already thought of that, no wood" Ari shrugged.

Cam offered to go get some, but I voiced it was best if no one went anywhere alone. So Ari went with him to ask the owners where to find some firewood.

While they were gone, Roze and I got all of our things together, working out what everyone had grabbed in the rush before leaving this morning. Everyone had obviously gone basic, only bringing one backpack each. Most of it was clothes and whatever money we could all grab. Ari had grabbed a medical kit, filled with potions, remedies and such. Roze had taken her father's tent, saying he hadn't even used it since the Quidditch World Cup, wouldn't know it was missing. Cam, being as great with spells as he is, had miniaturised two broomsticks, them being only the width of my palm.

"Wow, that's a cool spell. I'll have to ask him how he did that" Roze grinned, holding one of the brooms in her hand.

And lastly, I had Harry's invisibility cloak, and pictures. Fred had tucked them in my backpack as I left this morning. There was one of him, George and I at the beginning of last year, smiling and laughing at each other. The way he was looking at me in the photo and knowing what I know now, it's hard to believe I didn't know his feelings for me then. And another photo of Roze, Ari, Cam, Ryan, Damian, Grace and I. It was just before Christmas break in first year. We had only just formed all our friendships, but already we were so close, and all giggling at something Ryan said.

"I miss Ryan and Damian" Roze sighed. "They'd have no idea what we're even doing now. Last time I spoke to them; I'd told them about the attack at Diagon alley. They think we're in hiding".

"And they're better off thinking that. They'd be worried senseless if they knew we're out here. They're out there fighting You-Know-Who, they need to be as focused as they can be" I replied, holding her hand tightly.

"I know, I just wish..."

"I know Roze, me too" I sighed.

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