Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The thunder seamed to crack the air, as if the very heavens might split apart. It rolled like an ash cloud from a volcano, tumbling toward us through the darkened haze. All morning the skies had been promising an immense storm. That promise was kept when the rain suddenly bucketed down on Arianna, Roze, Grace and I as we gazed at the many owls perched on display at Eeylop's Owl Emporium.

"Oh my god!" Ari screamed, her words almost being lost among the deafening sound of rain hitting the cobblestone. She clawed for my arm, and in turn I grabbed Roze's hand, so she flailed to grab hold of Grace, as we scurried out of the rain and into the shelter of the surprisingly sturdy umbrella's outside of Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.

"I'm positively drenched" Ari frowned, her thick French accent making her words seem angrier. "Merde" she cursed, also adding to the spectacle. Roze looked at me and we both laughed, despite being sodden ourselves.

"I knew we should have brought an umbrella" Grace shook her head, staring out onto the street that is Diagon Alley, and looking helplessly at the heavy rain fall.

I shrugged, pulling out my wand and pointing it at Ari. She gave me a suspicious look but didn't say anything.

"Impervius" I said, lightly tapping my wand at the air around Ari. I did the same to Roze, Grace and then myself last.

"Smart" Roze nodded, smiling widely at me.

We all linked arms and stepped into the rain, hesitating for a moment to make sure the spell worked and did in fact repel water. When sure, we continued down the alley towards The Leaky Cauldron in order to get dry, get a drink and get home.

Well, as close to home as I have at the moment. After everything that happened at the beginning of the summer, the Order decided it was best if I stay with the Weasley's at the Burrow, where I could be best protected from... him.

Fred and George had their apartment at the joke shop, of which we only just left a few minutes ago, but they came by the burrow often.

As we neared Olivander's, the rain lightened enough to see clearly just as a series of bright flashes broke out, accompanied by an ear splitting, booming sound. A resounding after shock sent the four of us flying back, landing on every odd angle. Looking back, a great gush of flame rose from Olivander's wand shop, shattering the windows.

Screaming could be heard all around me as other witches and wizards scrambled away from the explosion, but I just stared as billowing black streaks rushed into the burning shop, only to emerge in their human form moments later with a shaking man, a black sack situated over his head.

My eyes connected with the death eater just as they stepped onto the cobblestone street. Two were masked but the death eater that was not, the one with whom my eyes found. He was large and vicious-looking with matted grey hair and whiskers. His pointed teeth snarled out at the night before his blackened eyes met mine. His long yellowish nails curled into his palm as he gripped his hands in fists. Fenir Greyback.

A sharp toothed grin formed as he stared me down. I only had moments to react as he threw the captive man at one of the masked death eaters, who took off in black streaks of smoke. The werewolf whirled on the balls of his feet and his body curled inwards as he faced me with that menacing grin etched into his face, and took off towards us fast, like a beast to its prey.

I threw my hands up instinctively, surprising me to find a silver shining light burst from my palms and emitted like a radiant shield in from of us. Greyback didn't hesitate, charging towards us still, but was thrown back, sent flying through the air, when he met the- I don't know, force field I guess?

The force field flickered like a muggle television right before the power goes out, and disappeared altogether. Greyback was again on his feet, his expression grew furious and was pinpointed on me. Or more specifically, on my neck. My feet began to stumble backward, my brain propelling their movement as the werewolf's eyes never strayed, but his attention diverted in a split second, quicker than I thought imaginable, and in only a whisper of a moment, I heard what he'd turned his attention to ring in my ears. The scream tore through me like a great shard of glass. I felt my eyes widen and pulse quicken, my heart thudding like a rock rattling in box.

"GRACE!" I yelled, staring at her fearful and shocked eyes as Greyback had his arm around her delicate neck, the silver necklace she received from Ari for Christmas one year snapped at the chain when the werewolf clutched her neck tighter, and the Eiffel tower pendant fell to the ground as her scream filled the air.

I held my wand towards the werewolf, but before a spell could even form on my lips, he used Grace as a body shield, and together their distorting forms began disappearing into the sky in Greyback's black smoke.

Thoughts tumbled over themselves in my head, a thousand things crossing to formulate anything I could do.

Every time I was desperate, these powers of mine would appear, so with nothing else I could possibly think of to do, I raised my hand and directed it at the rising black smoke, pouring all my emotion into the fact I needed to save Grace.

A sharp, jagged bolt of light shot from my hand and with a panic, I realised in a terrifying thought that Grace was going to get hit! But just as these thoughts crossed my mind, the bolt shifted and turned until it only hit the darkest figure. When hit by the light, the figures fell apart and began to descend rapidly from the sky.

"Arresto Momentum!" Roze's voice filled my ears, and thank god, Grace's body slowed just as she was about to hit the ground in front of us. Instead, lightly landing on the stone beneath our feet.

A thunderous roar sounded, Greyback's face was lifted towards the sky in a terrifying howl. Without stopping to think, I clutched Roze's hand, knowing Ari was holding hers, and dragged them with me to Grace, who laid lifelessly on the stone pavement.

Greyback's roar shook the windows around us, his words clear as day, "He'll kill everyone you love Charlotte! He'll find you, and kill everyone around you and your heart will bleed!"

When my hand touched Grace's skin, I apparated instantly.

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