My head was trying to wrap my head around everything. I carefully evaluated everything that Sebastian had told me. I hadn't even noticed how close Sebastian was until it was too late. He cupped my face and smashed his lips on to mine. I was shocked to be completely honest. 

I reacted in a way that I never thought in a million years that I would. 

I kissed him back. Infront of Peter. I kissed Sebastian infront of my loving Peter. I wanted to stop. I had to! I love Peter! I love peter. My thoughts quickly trailed off into silence. I have no excuse for what I am doing. I have no excuse for why I am enjoying myself.

No! I can't break his heart! I can't! I pushed Sebastian off of me. I can't believe that I have just done that! I am a monster. I looked up at Sebastian and he had a small smirk on his face. It was a smirk of satisfaction.

"I knew you couldn't resist," Sebastian told me and bit his lip. "No matter how hard you try, my little cub, you will never be able to resist."

At that point I slapped him. My weak hand made hard contact with his face. Sebastian looked completely and utterally surprised with a pinch of anger. Her grabbed both of my wrists and pulled me closer. He whispered something in my ear. Something that I will never forget.

"You'll regret that, my darling."

Peter immediatly pushed Sebastain. He didn't know what was coming and Sebastian fell right on his ass. I pulled Peter in for a embracing hug. I didn't want to ever let go. I couldn't after what I had just did. Gulit coursed through me and tears poured out of my ears.

"Peter, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I need you. I love you," I whispered in between my sobs.

"Your lucky that I love you more than life itself," Peter responded adn pulled me off of him. He still kept his hands on my shoulders and looked into my soggy green eyes. "Remember Mel. There is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you."

I nodded and he brushed the tears away. My gulit and sadness morphed into love and happiness. He is mine and I am his. Always and Forever.

"Are you truely that blind? Both of you are just so damn stupid. You can't see what is infront of you," Sebastian's voice echoed within the room. "You just witnessed you 'girlfriend' make out with me!" He pointed to Peter when he said those words. He slowly curved his finger so that is was pointed directly at me. "And you. You are so naive, Melody. You couldn't see love even if it hit you in the head with a brick. He doesn't love you Mel. He will never love anyother person besides himself. It was me who saved you. I love you. Listen to me when I say this. I will always save you. Just a call to me and I will save you from this monster."

"Go to hell," I snarled.

Sebastian's dark eyes glossed over with tears. None were piercing the skin, but they were forming. He took in a deep breath and walked out of the room without another word. 

I turned back to Peter who had been staring intensly at me the enitre time. He looked confused, like he was contemplating something. I put my hand up to his cheek.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He placed his own hand over mine adn rubbed my hand with his thumb.

"Why do you stay with me?"

"What are you talking about? I love you Peter. Leaving you is not an option."

"All of those things that Sebastian said about me... They are true. They are all true. I am a coward. I run away from my problems Mel. I don't know why you love me. I am pathetic, worthless. I don't deserve someone like you. You deserve someone who will stick in there with you through think and thin. I can't take care of you," Peter murmured.

Those words were heart breaking. He isn't worthless or pathetic. He is the most loyal person I know. Sure he ran away when I died. But I died. There was nothing he could do about it. Peter doesn't know any dark magic. There was no way for him to fix me.

"Peter stop hurting yourself. I love you and I always will. There is no changing that. I don't care if you think that you don't deserve you. I know that we are perfect together. Don't ruin this for us. I need you in my life. You have saved me from so much emotional pain-"

"- But Sebastian has saved you from more."

"Stop thinking about Sebastian. Out of sight, out of mind. I don't love him Peter. You are the one I love. There is no one else that I could ever love besides you!"

"You couldn learn to love someone else."

"STOP THINKING THAT WAY! I will never be able to forget you Peter. You are my one and only. There is no one else out there for me!"

"What about Henry, or Sebastian?"

"What about them? Peter how can I get this through your head. They don't mean anything to me. Its all you. You are the one who clouds my dreams, my thoughts, my heart. You are the only ray of sunshine in this damned world. There is no life for me without you! You are my everything!" 

He looked at me. Truly looked at me. I felt his eye slice into my soul, seeing who lies within my heart, my soul. He knows my fears, my weaknesses. He knows everything now. I know it. I don't know how, I just do. 

Peter came closer to me. He cupped my face and smashed his lips onto mine. His perfectly soft lips crashed with mine. I instantly responded and wrapped my arms around his warm neck. Our lips moved in perfect sync. In that moment, there was no one else. There was no Sebastian, or Felix, or any fears that were holding us back.

We are free.

Thanks for reading! I hope you truly enjoyed this chapter! Please remember to vote and comment! I love you all!

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