! prologue ¡

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Who the hell cares about a fucking soulmate?

The answer: me. I care. My soulmate is 967.5 miles away and I don't even know in what direction. For all I know he could be in a graveyard.

Lucky for him he's not in Grand Haven, the most boring fucking city in the country. He also isn't living with my abusive stepfather. Lucky him.

He's a lucky bastard and I don't give a shit about him. Except that I do. I want someone that truly loves me. Damn it. Damn it damn it damn it.


I really don't give a shit about my soulmate. People never like me. I tend not to like other people.

My jackass of a father is just getting worse. To him the answer is always at the bottom of the bottle, at least since mom died. Or left. Or whatever the hell she did.

She's a bitch it doesn't matter.

So long story short it doesn't matter who my soulmate is, I'm not going to fall for them. And they won't fall for me. Because I'm an awful person. Yay.

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