You're Gonna Get Killed, Cupcake (Lance x F!Reader)

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You sat glumly in the back of the blue lion while Lance focused on getting you two back to the castle ship.

He was frustrated with you, obviously. You always ended up joining the paladins in battle no matter what they said about protecting you because you were a girl. Most of the time it was just Lance arguing with you, although from time to time Shiro, Hunk or Keith would pipe up and support his argument. You always kept your voice quiet and firm, even when Lance started to inch closer and closer, raising his voice and waving his arms.

It was very confusing, though. Other times Lance would hop in the training room with you and offer constructive criticism on your form, or help you overcome and obstacle in your offensive moves.

He helped you learn to fight, but he hated you fighting. Isn't that rather odd?

You noticed him huffing from his seat, operating the controls with much more force than needed. He was really angry this time, and you could see why.

You and team Voltron were attacking a galra base associated with resource imports, hoping to start cutting off their supply. There were more skilled people there than anyone would have thought, and they came in waves.

During the last hoard of these dangerous Galra, Lance was being cornered. There was a gun aimed straight for his head and you could tell the soldier was about to land a headshot on him.

In the last second you leapt in and slapped the barrel of the rifle, the laser beam just grazing your shoulder. Shiro then swooped in and finished the galra off.

Lance ignored it in the moment, merely shoving you out of the way and moving on the the nearest soldier. But when the battle was over, he was showering you with lectures about not risking your life for someone else's, even though Shiro felt strongly that what I did was right. Not to mention he wasn't really lecturing you, it was more like an aggressive confrontation with an extremely loud voice.

You decided to try and bring it up again. Lance didn't need to be driving while drunk on anger.

"Look, Lance. I didn't mean to offend you by saving your life. I mean, I don't even understand why you're fuming about this. I saved your life, if anything, you should be thankful," you reasoned, your volume barely reaching over a whisper.

"I'm just angry, because you're gonna get yourself killed! You're so reckless and you take way too many risks! One of these days, you're gonna die saving me again and I'm gonna mourn for the rest of my life, and I don't want to do that," Lance retorted through gritted teeth. "I want to be happy."

"You're not gonna be happy if you're dead, dummy-"

"Well I'm not gonna be happy with you dead anyways!" He blurted angrily, letting go of the controls and stiffly rising out of his chair. He stomped over to you, shouting, "I don't even think I'd be able to live with the fact that you died because of me! Do you know how devastating that would be?! I hate to yell at you like this but I've got to get it through your thick skull that I don't want to to risk your life like that for anyone on this team anymore! No one- including me- deserves to be saved by your death. You are way more important than anyone else in this damned universe, stubborn little... cupcake." He was out of breath, his nose almost touching yours. He was red faced, but you couldn't tell if it was because he was angry or because he may or may not have just confessed his undying love for you.

"Lance, your lion stopped moving," Keith's voice hissed over Lance's helmet. Looks like he forgot to turn the radio off when he changed. "Stop fantasizing about that girl and focus. Just because she's in your lion doesn't mean you can get distracted over her."

Alright, he definitely wasn't thinking at all right now. You were one hundred percent sure that Lance was interested in you now. But instead of blushing and starting to stammer, he casually walked back to the cockpit and replied to Keith with, "I'm not fantasizing about her, pervert."

You readjusted yourself in your seat, uncomfortable with the odd situation at hand. Lance just continued piloting, and it didn't take long before you settled down and started thinking.

What if Lance really was interested in dating you? Yeah, sure, he was a wannabe playboy and all, but he was attractive. His skin was tan, his eyes were blue, and he surprisingly had the ability to not only look, but be serious. He was a wonderful leader, took charge when needed, and not to mention, his cheesy pickup lines were hilarious to you.

You came to the conclusion that you would be pretty open to dating him. You had never really thought about dating anyone before (you were in space for goodness sake) but now that it seemed Lance was single and ready to mingle, specifically with you, you were... well, quite, interested.

"We're here," Lance grunted, quickly getting up and walking a bit faster to exit the lion.

You stood up and grabbed his forearm, yanking him over to face you.

"What was that earlier?" you inquired firmly, keeping your grip tight.

"What was what?"

"Keith said to stop fantasizing about me, and you said I was the most important girl in the universe. Don't you think I'd suspect something? Do you wanna date me?" You questioned awkwardly, still raising your chin and trying to look sophisticated. Lance was quiet for a few moments, so you let go of his arm and yanked him closer by the neck of his armor. "You better answer me, boy."

"Hey, u-uh, look why don't we talk about this tomorrow? I mean, I'm tired and all from the battle so-"

"You'd never pass up an opportunity to date someone, Lance. Give me a yes, or a no."

"Oh, Man, did you hear that? I-I think that was Keith yelling at me over the radio! Maybe I should-"

"Yes or no, Lance!" You challenged loudly, seeing Lance's confidence break behind his eyes.

"Maybe this'll shut you up," he growled softly, pushing you roughly against the wall and forcing his mouth onto yours.

His lips were soft, smushed up against yours in not the most perfect kiss. Your noses were clashing, and you weren't able to suck in a breath before, so you were sure you looked like an eggplant when you shoved him off, gasping for air like you'd just been drowned.

"Oh!! D-Did you not want to kiss?" He stuttered, startled by your supposed rejection.

"No, I just" - you paused to inhale - "breath..."

"Ah, sorry," he laughed awkwardly. There was a moment of silence, excluding the fact that you sounded like a competitive AC unit. "Um... So, does this mean we're dating?"

You sighed, responding with, "You've definitely never dated anyone before, Lance. You're supposed to ask me out properly."

"I've dated a girl before!" He corrected. You leaned forward to listen, and he continued reluctantly, "It was uh... A-Amanda in third grade..."

You chuckled and stepped forward, sneaking your arms up around Lance's shoulders and nuzzling into his neck. "You wanna go out with me?" You said, your voice muffled by Lance's soft, smooth skin.

"I'm supposed to ask you out-"

"Answer the question, Lance."

"...Yeah. Sure."


"I said 'yeah,' first!"

"I love you," you whispered quietly.

" you too."


:3 My oneshots are pretty long lol

Anyways, Lance is my fave character but I've never really imagined him as a dom in a relationship so this was a new POV for me :) Sorry if the protagonist seems kinda masculine... It's kind of hard to write a POV correctly when you aren't exactly sure how it feels.

Thanks for the request, @miacrybabymelanie2
(this is unedited btw I don't edit unprofessional works)

I'll be back sometime soon with another request if I get one :D

- Omar Vandal

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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