Never Stop Believing

Start from the beginning

At that moment it was decided, the squad was gonna go on a trip to find the thing that they once believed in.

It was Friday night, December 17th, they all met in Paola's backyard because she was the only one who had the trail to the woods.

"Okay you guys ready?" Arii asked turning on the light of her flashlight.

"Arii this is stupid, we're all over this nonsense." Paola said to her, "It doesnt exsist."

Arii made an annoyed look, Paola was the first to stop believing; which was really shocking because she used to love to hear the stories.

Arii pulled our her journal and flipped the pages until she landed on the page that she drew a map on.

"Okay if my calculations are correct-"

"Woah Arii using smart words? Someone alert the media." Kia interrupted.

Arii raised a brow at her, "Kia, please." Kia covered her face and let Arii continue. "If they're correct we'll find exactly 3 rabbit holes that are human size."

"And if we find one?" Jax asked.

"You immediately call us."

"What if we accidentally fall into the hole?" Nicky asked.

"You tell us."

"What if you just walk away and forget this all happened?" Matt asked next.

Arii rolled her eyes, "Then i'll punch you in the throat." she hissed. "Now onwarth!"

They all split up well, Kia went with Nicky because she didn't wanna be alone.

"Come on where are you, I know you're out tonight." Arii said looking around the woods.

She then came across a frosted bush, it was cold outside but not cold enough to frost. It was also the only bush that was frosted.


"Nicky, what if we get killed by something?" Kia asked her standing close by her.

"Kia don't worry, seriously what's the worst that could happen." Nicky's flashlight then dropped and turned off.

Kia began to look around shining her flashlight everywhere to look.

Nicky picked up her flashlight and began hitting it hoping it would turn on. "Stupid thing why won't you-" Her mouth was then covered and she couldn't talk.

Something had grabbed her, Kia had heard Nicky and quickly turned to see what happened. Before she could see she saw a person in a blue sweater, throw something on the ground and drag her in. Nicky was now gone.

"Oh my god, Arii was right." Kia quickly pulled out her phone and texted the others.

" I saw him! He took Nicky! Come by the North Wood sign now! "

Everyone got the message ans quickly headed to where she was.

"I can't believe this is happening," Jax said to himself. "I wonder if crazy things like this to them all the time.."

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