Project Veronica X.

Start from the beginning

"Because if he kills you then he kills me... Our lives are linked, so if he get me out alive and let you die in the progress then both of us will die"

A smirk formed on my lips, now I got him... I looked up at Wesker "Well try if you can but just so you know... There is a little problem with your plan" I told him and he stopped

Wesker lowered the gun but didn't put it away, still keeping his gaze on me incase

"And what should that be?"

I smirk, crossing my arms over my chest, and "You can't take her away from me because if you do... both of us will die, cause as you said... she is a part of me so our lives are linked... we share lives" tell him while trying to look bored

I noticed him put his gun back inside his coat after I had talked, thank god, but when I was about to sigh in relief he suddenly ran up to me and took a hold on my throat, making me gasp for air

"That is true... Veronica has been in your body since birth so she is you, her life is depending you" He told me coldly while I tried to pry his hand off my throat and escape his iron grip

After a while he suddenly lessened his grip on my throat, I took a deep breath "So... Are you gonna let me go?" I asked him in a hoarse voice and tried to get his hand off my throat again... God his grip is hard

Wesker laughed, making a cold shiver get run my spine "Let you go? Last time I did that it took me thirteen years to finally find you, so the answer is no" He told me sternly and tightened his grip around my throat again

I gasped when I felt the airways to my lungs get blocked and tried desperately breathe even thought it was in vain, my consciousness started to slip away for each second... My vision getting blurry

"Hold it!"

Wesker dropped me, turning to where the voice came from "Claire... What a surprise, always playing the hero"

When I could breathe normal again I turned to where he was looking and noticed a young woman standing there, she's wearing a red vest with a black t-shirt under and a pair of jeans, her hair is red and put up in ponytail but I can't see her eye colour because of her standing too far away

She was holding a gun, a determined look on her face, and aimed it at Wesker who didn't seem to get scared by her threat

"Leave her alone, I'm here to protect her so give up!" She yelled to with a look of hatred in her eyes... They seem to know each other

Wesker smirked and looked at her amused, shaking his head while chuckling a bit "Never gonna happen" He told her

Claire started to shoot him, me take cover behind a desk that had been flipped over. When I was behind it I peeked my head out so I would be able to see what was happening, being careful not to look too far out. Wesker was running around in inhuman speed dodging the bullets as if they were nothing to him, he's really fast... What the hell? How can he be so freaking fast?!? When I started to think out why I suddenly heard...

*Bang! click, click*

The gun clicking, Claire was out of ammo...

While she started to reload her gun I noticed Wesker looking at her with a smirk... This is bad, he's gonna hurt her. When I was about to shout at her to watch out he ran towards her and...


tackled her into a wall, her right arm making a horrible cracking sound when it made contact with it

Claire screamed at the top of her lungs and clutched her injured arm with her good one, sliding down the wall on her back to the floor "My arm... It's broken" She said between gritted teeth and hissed in pain

She tried to reach for the gun, which was laying right beside her, with her good hand but before she even touched it Wesker stomped hard on her hand so it made a cracking sound like her arm, making me flinch in respond, then took a hold on her throat and raised her up into the air

Claire was dangling in the air kicking her legs "Goodbye Claire, it was nice to see you" He told her while she gasped for air and tried to pry his hand off her throat

When he raised his fist I covered my eyes with my hands, not wanting to see what he would he do to her, but suddenly....

"Hey Wesker! Guess who?!"

another person showed up, a guy dressed in army clothing... And holding a metal pipe in his hands

Wesker turned to him slowly "Chris-" He started to say but before he even said anything else the guy ran towards him, a angry look on his face, and hit him straight in the head with the pipe, Wesker's head cracking and body falling to the floor unconscious

I yelped and jumped up in surprise when his body hit the floor "He really hates Wesker" I thought to myself and heard X hiss a little

She growled "Wesker deserved that, he hurt that girl... What an asshole" She huffed and when I was about to answer...


a shot was suddenly heard, making me yelp and flinch... what the?

I looked over to Weskers body again and noticed the guy from before standing over his now bloody body, gun in hand "Thats for hurting my sister your son of a bitch" He growled and spat at Weskers dead body

I blinked, okay... That was surprising "Sister?" X asked a little surprised and I chuckled a bit

"Huh... Now I understand why he got so angry, he's her older brother" I thought back and felt X smile

When we were done talking the guy from before got beside his sister and helped her get up on her legs "Claire are you alright?"

She shrug, holding her broken arm in pain "Aside from the arm... I'm alright" She told him and picked up her gun from the floor

While they talked and got along with each other I started to approach them slowly, still feeling a little disbelieving over what they just done

They saved my life but how can I be sure that they are trustable "Exuse me but... who the hell are you two?"

End of chapter 3.

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