2.Best Buddy

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Admin: im so dumb, im such idiot....... i didn't edit it but why fuck wattpad in my android like this?! Forget about it shall we? okay let see.......

Ok since no one else will comment (*ehem* people) For Laos, would you rather pick Russia or Australia as your best friend? You only get to choose one!


Okay, so we need is Laos now.....

Laos:*sneak behind Admin*  hm? Is that for me ?


Brunei,Singie,Nesia,Malay: *pop ups nowhere* GORENG! :v

Admin:*pushed and locked them into ward board*
OMF! Laos you almost give me heart attack!

Laos: sowwy not sorry

Admin: bish whatever....... not just take a look at this question *give paper to Laos*

Laos: *read it* hmmm........

Admin: so?

[Next day]

Laos: hmmm........

[The day after next day]

Laos: hmmm........

[After a week ]

Laos: hmmm........

[After a month]

Laos: hmmm........

[After a years]

Laos: hmmm........

[After a decade]

Laos: hmmm........

[After a centuries]

Laos: damn! Just shut up your mouth! it to long, idiot

Admin:  :v 

Laos: for truth, im confused. I mean Russia is nice guy even though he can be intimidating, but he since Soviet union until now he always helping me with the development . But Australia also helps me,even he helps me to upholding the human rights in my place. Even we are have longer foreign  relation than Russia ( on 2017, Laos celebrate 65 years for the unbreakable relation with Australia when Soviet's relation begin on October 7, 1960.)

Admin: so what you choose as best bud? she said you can only choose one!c'mon don't run away from your feeling!

Laos: i don't run away from my feeling okay! Don't act like you are an orange!

Admin: i'm not an orange, i'm a  normal girl who will become a NEET    ~(=W=)~

Laos: um...what ever gurl! Well, i'll choose........................ Australia ! In his place, there are a lot of my peoples stayed in there and i'm glad that he accept them with open hand! which makes him a best friend for me. And like i said i know him longer than Russia! But i'm still good with Russia!

Russia:*pops up nowhere*  ^J^/  da~ did you called me*hic*

Laos: oh,Russia..........no, but sába̖ai-di̖i(hello) Russia!

Russia: privet Laos! ^J^

Laos:um.......   what happen to him?

Admin : =w= *shrugs*

Russia :soviet soviet dadada~TETRIS IS DA WINNER!!!! *hic*  *dance macarena*   =J=

Laos: O_O" that.............let just take the photos! *takes a lot pictures of dancing drunk Russia*

Laos: wow he do that when drunk! May be i need edit it to swag style !

Malay : *somehow able to break the ward board* selamat siang  Russia!

Nesia: Halo Russia!

Brunei: good day Russia!

Singie: Hello Russia!

Russia: ah! privetMalaysia *hic*  Indonesia  *hic* Singapore and....*hic* ....um......Malaysia's  doppelganger  *hic*

Brunei:  im Brunei......

Russia: o yeh! Brunei *hic*

Malay: Mr. Russia, you just back from 'block fight' with Denmark and almost make the entire Legoland turn into ruin and you still drunk......... what a mess!

Russia: Heheh da~

Laos: so.....that's the problem right?

Singie:yep.....*write the fine*

Nesia: Hey Russia! thank you for the supply  of armaments. Saya Suka banget!(i like it!)

Russia: OJo *hic* what?

Nesia: Suka ,Russia!

Russia: OJo excuse me *hic* young lady ! did *hic* you call me *hic* what?

Nesia: Ug......i just say 'suka russia' is that wrong ?

Malay: No!

Brunei: No!

Singie: At all!

Laos: don't know guys......... but i have a bad feeling about that........

Russia: OJO *Pulls out the pipe and Intense kolkolkol* kolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkol~

In the end, a certain drunk Russian man chasing the young Indonesian girl and young Singaporean girl also young Malaysian  boy and young Bruneian boy.

Laos : *jaw drop* wtf i just saw......


'Suka' in both Indonesian and Malaysian means 'like'

but in Russian it means 'bitch'

IM SUCH IDIOT DUMB!!!!! *Throws herself in volcano*

Hetalia Asean 'Would You Rather' QuestionWhere stories live. Discover now