Wynn laughs. "You sound like you've been through alot. C'mon. School can't be THAT bad." Wynn says.

"It is." quips Britt.

"I'll have to agree with her on that one. I don't enjoy any of my classes and there's a group of girls who make sure to get on my nerves every day."

"For what? You don't even talk. Who could have an issue with you?" says Wynn.

"You know why they do that, don't you?" I ask Joey.

"Yeah, because they're a bunch of mindless brats."

"That's true too, but they see something in you they like, and they wish they had it."

Joey immediately grimaces. "Ew. Love is love and everything, but I don't want a girl liking me."

I chuckle. "That's not what I meant by 'like', asshole. I meant they admire something in you. But, they definitely could like you, like you. When it came to me, most of the girls who acted like they had a problem with me, just wanted to be with me."

Joey scratches her head. "That's a little too much information, sis."

I chuckle. I can't stand her sometimes. "I didn't say anything about doing anything with anybody, so I'm not responsible for any images that popped up in your head."

Just then, Priest came out of the restaurant. "Are y'all gon come inside? Our table is ready."

So, after getting out of the car and locking my doors, I follow everyone else into the restaurant. The line was very long, and Britt made sure to let us know she was not with the waiting.

"I wanna go play!" she mumbles, after standing in line for fifteen minutes. "You know you need your bracelet to go into the game center. So, either wait up here quietly or go sit at the table with Priest."

She folds her arms in annoyance. She had made her choice in a disgruntled manner.

"That's what I thought," I said, in a stern voice. Soon, we arrived to the front of the line. The worker, whose nametag said Sriracha greeted the crew with a smile. "Hello, what can I do for you all today?"

Joey looks at her nametag quizzically. "I'm sorry... your name is Sriracha? Like the sauce?"

The woman looks confused and then looks down at her name tag. Then she giggles. "Oh! No. When you're late, the manager gives you a ridiculous nametag. My name's Charrisa. My manager actually made this tag for me because Sriracha and Charrisa are anagrams for each other."

After I told Charrisa what I needed, another worker emerges from the back, with the nametag "Mustard".

"Oh, so I guess none of y'all care about your job." Joey says, matter-of-factly.

"Can you not?" I whisper to Joey.

A few hours later, I was in the middle of a race with Wynn when she beat me. "Damn it!" I exclaim, while laughing.

"Didn't I tell you I was going to win? Slide me my ten. SLIDE ME MY TEN!" she exclaims.

Rolling my eyes, I reach into my back pocket for my wallet and hand her a ten dollar bill.

She takes the money and holds it up to the light, to make sure it was real.

"Don't do me like that!" I said, while laughing.

"You know I'm just playing."

"I need a damn drink." I said, and make my way to the bar.

There was a woman with dark roots and blonde hair. She was wearing an apron, and seemed to misplace her nametag.

I put my ID on the table, as the sign requested. The bartender picks it up and looks at it. She looks at me, then looks back at the card. After a few seconds, she hands it back to me.

"What can I get ya?" she asks loudly, trying to talk over the noise.

"Uh, I'll have an appletini." I say.

The bartender laughs. "Hah, you don't seem like an appletini girl."

I chuckled. I guess she was right. Here I was, basically the opposite of a feminine girl, yet here I come, asking for the fruitiest drink ever.

"I'm not a really big drinker. I do smoke though. You smoke?" I ask.

"Yeah, I dabble a little."

It wasn't til a few minutes later that I realized I saw this lady before-- she was one of my clients. She was the one that flirted with me. I showed this lady my ID with my real fucking name on it. Trying to stay cool, I kept making conversation with her, trying to see if I could notice any sign of her recognizing me. There was none. By the time I finished my drink and paid for it, she asked me for my number.

"Huh? Oh, I don't just give my number out to just anybody. Maybe I'll see you around, though." Before she can answer, I quickly walk away.

I head back to our little table which was overflowing with birthday paraphernalia. I picked at it with one hand, and sipped some of my drink, after. I let my mind drift off to what happened with Priest. Ever since I allowed myself to think about it again, I found myself really dwelling on it. It was hard to think of anything else, honestly. It was even harder to think of how quiet I had to be, surrounding the whole thing. Typically, whenever I wanted to talk about a girl, I'd talk about her to Priest. I didn't know who to talk to, about Priest. I sigh in frustration, trying to cheer myself back up. Now wasn't the time to get all in my damn feelings. I was here to celebrate my sister's birthday. So I needed to get myself back into party mode. I was just fine a few minutes ago, but now I could feel myself near tears. All of a sudden, I feel the body weight of another person, sliding on the same bench. I scoff when I see that it's Priest, herself. "What're you doing over here, by yourself?" she asks. "What are you doing over here?" I ask her, clearly refusing to answer her question.
"I just wanted to see if you were alright. I saw everybody else, but couldn't find you. Then I come to see you sitting by yourself, like you're in timeout or something."
I sigh deeply. "I'm okay. I'm just having a drink. I'll be back over in a minute, I just gotta think." I say, massaging the bridge of my nose.
"Hurry back." she says, glancing at me for a longer period of time than usual, before dipping back off. I finish off my drink, trying to coach myself back into happy mode. When I feel like I'm okay, I go back towards the game area.
I walk over to Joey, who was shooting hoops with Priest. While I was enjoying the fact that Joey basically slaughtered in the game, I was also watching Wynn and Britt right next to them, playing skee-ball. At the end of the game, you could see Wynn twitching. "Damn, I gotta pee. Britt!" Britt looks up with a bunch of tickets in her hand.


"You gotta use the bathroom?"

She thinks about it for a second. "Yeah, I do."

So, they went to the bathroom. Priest and I were chatting it up until we heard a scream coming from somewhere a few minutes later. As I looked out of the windows, I noticed a woman rather bundled up womanquickly walking out of the building.

And then, out of nowhere, Britt was sprinting out of the restroom to me. "Somebody came and choked Wynn! Come on!" she says.

Priest, Joey, Britt and I all book it to the bathroom, where Wynn lied, trying to catch her breath. Her curls were touching the dirty floor while she cradled her neck, coughing between each of her words. "Some bitch... just.. choked me..." she struggles to say. I kneel next to her. "What did she look like?"

"I don't know. I.. I didn't see who it was".

"I was in the stall, and used the bathroom. I went to go wash my hands and she told me to come get you."

"What the fuck?" I say, to myself.

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