scenario forty-five

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Scenario number forty-five

Special characters: Alexa, George, Mrs. Howells, Mr. Howells.

"Are you okay?" Alexa asks George, concerned. She brought him a bottle of water and some snacks, just like what every other person out there would do if someone they love weren't feeling well.

George nods. "I'm okay, Lex. Don't be worried about me." Alexa smiles, though she can't help but feel a little anxious after receiving Tina's text. "I think I should be the one to ask you that though, you look worried... what's wrong?" George notices his girl's look on her face, who suddenly turns pale.

"Tina texted me, and it sounded urgent and... unusual." Alexa frowns, "look at this."


"That's weird." George narrows his eyebrows, "what does she mean?"

"She just sent it minutes ago... what does she mean though?" Alexa starts wondering what the real message is behind Tina's text. Her thoughts are suddenly interrupted when her phone buzzes. "It's Tina, she sent a voice message."

George bites his lower lip. "Whoa. Her voice message is a minute long, that could be very important. Is she in trouble?"

"What's happening? Is everything alright?" Mrs. Howells enters the room together with Mr. Howells, Me. Wells, Mrs. Wells, Alfred, Daniella, Zander and Evan.

"Tina sent Alexa a voice message." George says.

"Oh no, is she alright?" Mr. Howells asks, concerned.

Alexa shrugs, "let's just play it, alright?" Then she plays it....

"Three years ago... Derek Howells and his wife, Alliana, backed out of a deal. They thought I was going to sell them a damn cure for depression since their daughter, Alexa Howells, was going through it because of her boyfriend, George Wells. They explained to me that Alexa was planning to break up with George since she was going to move away, and was so depressed about it because she really loved George. I got furious for them thinking I make f*cking cures, and also for them backing out of the deal, so when I heard that George and Alexa were going on a date, I drugged them in the woods behind Harcott High... if we did it there, no one will know. After drugging them, we took them to the bar and left them there. Unfortunately, we realized that we didn't exactly drug George; we just made him sleep for awhile and get a little dizzy, but we're still glad that he couldn't remember anything that happened. When we heard that Alexa got pregnant, we celebrated with joy. Soon, I learned that George reported to the principal that there were a group of men who tried to drug him and Alexa. Damn! I couldn't believe that boy remembered.... I just found out a few months ago that he was the one who told the principal about the incident. George also told his and Alexa's family about the incident, so i got angrier... but I was a little thankful since Alexa and George's family decided not to inform Alexa about it since she might freak out. When I heard that George was going to Australia, I decided to strike. The reason why that b*tch is in a coma is because of me."


Silence enters the room.

"You guys didn't even bother to tell me about it?" Alexa frowns, disappointed. Everyone stays quiet.

Alexa turns to George. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"Mom..." Evan begins.

"I'm sorry...." George responds sadly. "I'm very sorry... I figured that if you find out... you might start getting depressed again and--"

"AND WHAT!?" Alexa screams, tears flowing. "I can't believe you all lied to me! I can't believe this is happening!" Alexa turns to her parents, "you guys were supposed to be... my parents... how could you do this?"

Mr. Howells gulps. "We did it for you—"

"You guys lied to me." Alexa sobs. She grabs Evan's arm, "come on, Evan, we're going to go."

"Where are you taking our son!?" George asks, petrified.

Alexa rolls her eyes. She can feel every bit of her heart breaking. "I-It doesn't matter. Goodbye."

Angles of Love (Angles #1) [UNEDITED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ