Seniors of Harcott High

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Graduating Class:

Alexa Howells - the shy type. The president of the astronomy club. 

Jenny Anderson - the swimming team captain who often gets tongue tied in front of Marco.

Gemma Sminters - madly in love with her current boyfriend, Matthew. She is the MVP of the school's volleyball team.

Eleanor Rogers - one thing she loves the most is soccer. She hates Harry, and is head over heels for Lewis.

May McConnell - still manages to keep her relationship with Alvin Carter.

Tina Hartley - loves taking pictures. A soft-hearted girl who is very talented.

Chloe Legend - Her and Marco have been going out for awhile. The head bitch of the class.

Aiden Hunter - Easily disturbed. AJ's so-called best friend.

AJ Howard - is a completely different person around Tina.

George Wells - always looking after Alexa.

Wade Maine - Jenny's best friend.

John Blake - Has been crushing on May. But he can't do anything about it considering May is with Alvin.

Harry Moris - doesn't believe in love. Eleanor's greatest enemy.

Darren Beethoven - plans to court Gemma. Best friends with John.

Matthew Winsmart - school heartthrob.

Marco Valienco- clueless about Jenny's crush on him. He doesn't even notice it because he's too hung up on his girlfriend, Chloe.

Alvin Carter - May's current boyfriend who is very overprotective.

Lewis Oliver - Eleanor's boyfriend.

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