scenario six

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Scenario number six

Special Characters: Alvin, Darren, Gemma, John, May.

That's okay, Gem. You'll find someone better than him someday." May pats Gemma on the back with a sympathetic smile, her voice delicate and sedate. They're both on their way to the cafeteria, May with a blank face and Gemma with a glum one.

"Easy for you to say. You already have a Prince Charming." Gemma retorts grouchily. She can't help herself from sounding bitter, "you don't know what this feels like."

May sighs. "I'm not sure if Alvin is really Prince Charming—"

"Oh, please. I bet he sends you flirty messages and kisses you like there's no tomorrow," this time, Gemma sounds desperate and whiny, "you're so lucky!"

"Lucky?" May shakes her head, "I don't know, Gem. I'm having second thoughts about him—"

"Second thoughts?" Gemma raises an eyebrow, "why? Don't tell me he cheated on you, Alvin freakin' Carter would never do something like that."

May rolls her eyes. "He hits me, Gem. It's way worse than cheating."

"What's so bad about him hitting on you— oh." Gemma tries her best not to laugh after her little misinterpretation. "Wait, what?" She looks confused now, "that doesn't seem like him."

"I've been hiding what I really feel for so long because him and I have only been dating for three weeks," May mumbles, "if I break up with him, who knows what people would say."

"May, you don't always have to be scared of what other people would say about you," Gemma advises her with a warm, friendly smile.

May shrugs her shoulders as they enter the cafeteria and see it packed with a lot of students. "I know that no boyfriend is perfect but I definitely was not expecting Alvin freakin' Carter to be... controlling."

The girls head over their usual table spot. "May, don't stay in a relationship if you don't want to anymore," Gemma says soothingly as the two of them sit down, "You have a valid reason for breaking up with him. If you aren't happy, leave. Before things get... worse."

May can only grin weakly. "I'll see about it." She diverts her attention to the long line, "I don't wanna get lunch."

"And I don't feel like eating," Gemma snarls, "M-Matthew's always the one getting me lunch—"

"Hello, ladies." Darren waves to the two girls, who blink at him. Behind him, John looks down embarrassingly as Darren turns to Gemma, winking at her direction.

John nudges Darren, uncomfortably. "I don't think this is a good idea," he whispers to his friend.

Darren turns to him. "Nonsense, is it bad to make friends?" He then looks at Gemma, "I'm Darren Beethoven."

"I know who you are. We have history together." Gemma chuckles.

"Yes. We will have history TOGETHER." Darren winks at her again, raising an index finger to make a point.

Awkward silence.

John clears his throat, "Sorry about my friend, he's just--"

"This is John Blake," Darren turns to May with a smirk. "He's quite charming, isn't he?"

Before any of them could say a word, Darren pushes John beside May, who beams shyly. After accomplishing his 'mission', Darren sits beside Gemma, who tenses.

John notices Gemma's change in expression and looks at Darren warily. Beside him, he can feel May burning with curiosity. "Darren—" John begins.

"Why are you sitting beside my girl?" Alvin immediately grabs John before he can say anything, making May jump and both Gemma and Darren purse their lips together.

May looks frightened, standing up to separate her boyfriend and the boy who just randomly sat next to her. "Alvin!" She looks anxious, her eyebrows narrowed, "we, uh, have a project to do."

John knows better than to mess with a dude who took karate ever since he was nine. "Listen, man," John stars nervously, "this is just a big misunderstanding—-"

"John, don't act like a coward." Darren's sudden step makes Alvin, John, May and Gemma blink at him. John shoots him a please don't kill yourself with your overconfidence look, but Darren waves him off. With confidence, Darren looks at Alvin by the eye, "listen, pal. May and John, are just sitting beside each other. I don't see how that's such a big deal."

For a minute, Alvin looks stunned. No one ever had the audacity to stand up to him. Is this guy for real? After some time, he finds his voice. "I DON'T CARE. May is my girl, no other boy can go near her," Alvin returns strictly, still eyeing Darren.

"May is your girlfriend, not your prisoner," Darren concludes, his expression not changing. May looks up at him astonished, surprised that he's standing up to his boyfriend.

Alvin eventually lets go of John and grabs May's arm. "Do you like this boy?" Alvin asks her, demanding for an answer. He lifts his chin at John, pertaining to him.

"Of course not!" May answers quickly, shivering a little.

Alvin rolls his eyes. "Come with me." He pulls her away from the table, not even bothering to excuse the two of them. May looks back at Gemma with an apologetic look on her face, then her eyes shift to John with a sad expression and lastly to Darren, who sends her an unexpected reassuring smile before she steps out of the cafeteria with Alvin.

"John, you were supposed to be the one defending her!" Darren exclaims with a frown, shaking his head. Before John could respond, Darren's phone starts ringing. "I need to take this," Darren excuses himself, leaving the cafeteria. Gemma and John are now the only ones left.

They stare at each other silently, and then the two start laughing as if something really hilarious just happened.

Angles of Love (Angles #1) [UNEDITED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora