scenario eight

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Scenario number eight

Special characters: Gemma, May, Darren, John, Alvin.

The day of the volleyball tournament finally arrived, leading the Harcott Beagles to victory. "We did it!"
May claps after her spike gave the team its last victorious point for the final set, hugging Gemma, who immediately pulls away.

"I can't believe I missed that," Gemma groans, referring to the time when she didn't get to save the ball.

The rest of their teammates cheer and dance as the two girls head over to the bench. May rolls her eyes. "That's no big deal, Gem. At least we won, right?"

"I'm a libero," Gemma emphasizes, tying her long blonde hair into a bun, "and I wanted to make a dive for it. I was so sure it was a drop ball but I don't know what got into me—"

"You girls were awesome out there!" Darren joins the conversation, wearing a t-shirt that says GO DOGS! He runs a hand through his brown side mohawk after wiping a single sweat.

Gemma notices Darren's shirt and frowns in disbelief. "You're cheering for our opponent?"

Darren looks confused. "Aren't you guys dogs?"

"We're Beagles, there's a difference, but thanks," May laughs, still thankful for Darren's support, finding it cute.

Beside him, John stays silent, still trying to find his voice so that he can start a conversation with May.

"Why are you guys here, by the way?" May bites her upper lip nervously, hoping that Alvin isn't watching.

"To support you guys," Darren answers, winking at Gemma.

Gemma's nostrils flare, her bronze eyes darting away from Darren, what the heck is this guy doing? Gemma has noticed Darren's weird gestures toward her, the winking, the weird smiles.... everything.

"Thanks, but we don't need your support. Alvin's here," May nervously smiles.

"Of course he is," John blurts out, annoyed.

Eyes are on him now, and John swallows, embarrassed.

Someone cuts the silence, but it isn't not a friendly voice. "May, let's go, NOW." Alvin Carter grabs May by the arm before she could even respond, his dark eyes gleaming.

When the pair leaves, John groans with disappointment. "Seriously!? I was about to speak to her."

Darren nudges him, "Number one rule in romance is that you should make your move before it's too late."

"Geez, since when do you follow rules?"

"Since the day I fell in love," Darren looks at Gemma with a smile. The connection then falls when Darren's phone starts to ring.

"Dammit!" Darren barks, "I'm sorry, guys. It's my dad, he probably wants me to go home already. Bye!"

As soon as Darren left, Gemma and John end up looking at each other awkwardly.

"Funny how this always happens," Gemma comments with a smirk.

John laughs. "Definitely," then, without thinking, he says, "Want me to drive you home?"

Gemma's eyes light up, "Sure." Gemma never felt comfortable around Matthew, even when they were dating. She always wanted to be the 'perfect girlfriend', so she started wearing short skirts, dresses, heels and acted like she was okay with everything even when she wasn't. She felt like she lost herself when her and Matthew were a thing.

Around John, however, there's an unspoken connection. She doesn't feel odd and uncomfortable like she does with Darren, even when she's only known John as an acquaintance all those years in school. With John, she doesn't feel like she has to pretend to be someone else.

Maybe it's the newfound feeling of being herself that made her agree to let John take her home. Because with John, she feels free.


Author's Note:

I wrote five chapters yesterday, and it turns out that it didn't get to be saved since wattpad kept on crashing. Sorry for the short chapters, guys! I'm just so devastated since I really worked hard on the chapters I wrote yesterday and got really disappointed when I found out it didn't get to be saved. Bear with me, readers. I'll try my best to make chapters longer [^•^]

xoxo, diana.

Angles of Love (Angles #1) [UNEDITED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant