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I didn't go back to school. I dropped out. My family went back to being assholes again. I knew this would happen. I got a job working in a bakery and I'm saving up to move out.

I headed out walking to work. It's two streets down from my house. I had a hoodie on and I had earbuds in. I bumped into someone on the way. I turned to say sorry but saw Min. I turned and kept walking. He looked shocked. I left over three months ago. I got skinny again. I went to a doctor and they diagnosed me with anorexia. Again.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I knew it was him. I turned and pulled out my earbuds. "Do I know you, Sir?" I didn't want him to say anything. Please don't say anything. Ple-. "Cut the shit Chea. I know you remember me. Please come home." I pushed his hand off. "I have a home already. And I'm not gonna go back just so you can kick me out later on." I turned back and started walking. "I'm sorry. Please. That day was a hard day for us all. I was put of it. I love you. I need you back there." I stopped at his ignorance. "I remember you saying you didn't love me. What sense does this make?" I honestly missed him too. But if he's going to threaten to throw me out, I might as well just stay away.

I went to work after that and it was a busy day. Since it's spring, and it's most beautiful, people tend to have weddings and parties. There's also lots of birthdays. So we have to make and deliver lots of pastries. I was in the back and I heard the bell ring. "Welcome to Swe-" Why is he here? It's Min if course. He brought Jungkook with him. "Chea? Where have you been? You're sick again?" He looked sick himself, along with Min but I didn't care for him right now. I came around the counter and hugged Jungkook. I held him as tight as my small body could squeeze. I missed that not so little, little guy. "I missed you. So much." He honestly looked sick. It hurt to see him. He looked like me after the Jackson breakup. "What happened? My lil Kook doesn't look so well." I still spoke in a soft voice. I put my hand on his cheek and another on his head. "I'll get you a bag of cookies to take back home okay?" He nodded. I came back with a fresh bag of them and sent him off after giving him my contact info. I payed out of pocket into the cash register. That wasn't enough time to talk to him.

My shift ended and I headed back home. I sat in my desk by the window. I looked outside at the sunset. My cat died. My family let her die in my room. I officially have no one. No friends, no family, no boyfriend. No one.

I looked out the window and spotted someone standing on my yard. I squinted my eyes to see who it was. Jimin. I ran out side and hugged him. He was sick too. Hes gotten skinnier. He looks pail and sleepless. I held his face.

"What happened to you? You're so sick." I spoke in a low sweet voice. "We miss you. Please, please come back home." I didn't think I'd impact them this much. I can't go back. I dropped my hands and looked at my feet. They're sick... I have no choice. "O-Okay." He smiled a weak smile and we walked back together.

When I walked in it was quiet. It was never quiet. It's so neat it looks like no one has ever lived here. Taehyung walked into the living room as we did. He looked shocked. "Ch-Cheayeon!" He ran to me. I hugged him. Hes so much skinnier. He yelled my name so loud everyone else came running in. They were shocked. "H-Hey guys." I said while looking over Taes shoulder, still in a hug. Min walked in last. I didn't bother to look at him.

"So, who am I sharing a room with?" I tried to seem enthusiastic. I didn't work. "Me." Min put a finger up. "So, no ones gonna answer me. I'll just stay with Jungkook and Taehyung I guess." They looked happy. I smiled at them. "No, I said you're staying with me." Min walked up to me. I still ignored him. "I'll go in our room now." I tried to walked past Min but he grabbed my shoulders. He dragged me into his room.

"Hey! What the hell?!" I yelled at him. "You stay in this room, and this room only. Got it?" He sat down. "No. I won't. I don't want to. I'll just leave again." He stood up. "Do you not know what you've done to those boys? They were worried about you." I looked away. "I know they were. They're the only people that love me. The only people I have." He looked annoyed. "Then who the hell am I?" He crossed his arms. "To me, you're just Min Yoongi. The leader of this gang." I tried to walk past him again. He grabbed me and threw me on the bed. He held me down. He was too strong. He kissed me. I tried moving but I couldn't. I shook my head to keep his mouth away from mine.

"Let me go!" He didn't listen. "Let! Me! Go!" He still didn't listen. "Help! Guys!" Nothing. Where are they? Finally Jungkook barged in. "Hyung, stop it." He put his hand on Yoongis shoulder and Yoongi calmed down. He let me go and I had bruises on my wrists. They hurt like hell. Jungkook helped me up and took me to his room.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a soft voice. "My wrists. He bruised them." I showed him my wrists and he looked at them. He left and came back with an ice pack. He put it on my wrists. I sat like that for a while. Yoongi came in and I didn't look at him once. He knelt down in front of me. "Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just missed you, a lot." I saw on his wrist that he still had the watch on. He was also wearing the chain still too.

"If you missed me you wouldn't have put your hands on me." I mumbled. I still loved him, I can't stay mad. "I'm sorry Chea. Please just forgive me." He sounded hurt. His voice was shaky. I never heard or seen him that way. I wanted to turn and hug him as tight as I could but I can't. I can't accept him that easily. Can I?

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