Chapter 1 ~ Deal

Começar do início

"Sorry!" she murmured, eyes wide. He glanced away. After an agonizing moment, he looked back and said,

"Do you want to come with me after the game? You can explain some of what's going on to me." Rin nodded, grateful. After she had arrived at the afterlife, she had met Hashirama, and the two had become very good friends, despite their age difference. Rin helped him with his problems, he helped Rin with hers.

Rin glanced down at her card to write her name, only to find her feather pen writing it for her. She peered over to this "Ryunosuke-sama" and found him staring at her with a slight frown. She looked away, feeling sheepish.

The bag was passed around once again, and the deceased shinobi drew the names this time. Oddly enough, Rin drew two cards and, without realizing that, flipped them both over. She did a double take when she saw the names.



The former shinobi scanned the entire table and did not find them present.

"Huh........?!" she muttered. Before she could do anything else, however, "Ryunosuke-sama" cleared his throat.

"The people you have drawn are the people you are to be a secret angel to. Give gifts to them, get to know them, be their friend. You are now their guardian angel. I will be watching you guys," he said. Then, a ghost of a smile appeared on his face, and his eyes softened.

And then, his eyes found Rin's. She had a feeling that this man was someone respected, for even Hashirama to use formalities and "sama" with him. His eyes narrowed for a fraction of a second, and then, he was gone.

"Huh?!" the teen muttered again. Hashirama glanced at her.

"Ryunosuke-sama?" he guessed. She nodded, frowning. "He's like that. Haven't you seen him before?"

"No..." she replied, distressed. When Hashirama's eyes flew wide with surprise, Rin grew even more frantic. "Was I supposed to have seen him?!"

"Well, no, but do you know who he is?" he asked the teen. She shook her head. Hashirama sighed.

"Well, I'll tell you. He's the lord of the afterlife. Come to think about it, if he is your secret angel, you're super lucky."

"............Huh?!" This day was getting weirder and weirder. And then, a great idea dawned on the past Medic Ninja.

"Hashirama," Rin began. "Is this... Ryunosuke-sama... Is he nice?"

The Shodai Hokage tensed. He gazed down at Rin with an unreadable but deadly serious expression. Rin shuddered involuntarily.

"...Yes." Hashirama had hesitated, but his reply was firm. His eyes narrowed gently. "Why?"

"I think I want to go see him."

The Shodai Hokage looked incredulous.

"You want to... date him?" he asked, eyes wide. Rin blinked. A whole minute passed before she processed what he meant. And she burst out laughing.

"No, of course not! I meant that I wanted to visit him to ask him something," Rin said, still laughing. Hashirama let out a sigh of relief. Huh, Rin thought. What a weird day.


After a while of searching and not finding, Hashirama and Rin lay down in the middle of nowhere, grumbling to themselves.

"Well, I guess it won't work; that man has his own schedule. He shows up when he wants and you can never find him unless he actually wants to be found. Same goes for you too, kiddo," Hashirama tousled Rin's hair. She stuck her tongue out at her friend, then looked on with a determined face.

Heaven's Regulations {Rewrite}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora