Chapter 2 ~ Enemy Turf

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Hello, everyone! I hope you're all having a great day. I figured that the last chapter was pretty much the same as the old book, so I'd post another chapter today too. This chapter is dedicated to all my previous readers! Let's get going!


Rin opened her eyes - and came face to face with a point dripping with purple liquid three inches from her face. Her eyes widened.

"W-What the heck..." the kunoichi muttered.

"Just a girl," a rough voice bit out. "I'm sure Leader-sama will let us kill her, right?" Two figures with black cloaks parading red clouds draped over them came into view. Teens. The thought immediately crossed Rin's mind. Only around 16, too... Or, at least, the one I can see is. One had blond hair cascading down his back and one side of his face, and the other had a hunched body and was inside -

"-A puppet. A blond. A black cloak with red clouds. Akasuna no Sasori. Deidara. Akatsuki," Rin involuntarily spoke her mind out.

"Huh?! She knows us, Sasori!" the blond, Deidara, exclaimed. "We're famous!"

"Oh my god. Shut up, you fool," the puppeteer replied, obviously irritated. Deidara pouted.

"It's something worth celebrating!" he protested. Sasori only shook his head before retracting his poison needle.

"Can we kill her?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at Rin.

"Please don't," Rin objected. "Just bring me with you. Pleeease?" In front of her, Sasori twitched. Behind the puppet master, Deidara snickered.

"The girl has a point, Sasori. If we bring her back alive, Leader-sama won't kill us. If we kill her and Leader-sama needed her, we will be dead," Deidara said. "Let's just bring her back."

Immediately, ropes snapped around Rin's wrists and yanked her forward. Well, at least I'm in Obito's domain, she thought. Thanks, Ryunosuke. But this... I could very well die in the next few hours. If not from the hands of one of these psycho killers, probably from hypothermia. Rin shivered as the rain pelted against her. She was not spared any warmth from her captors as they continued to quietly converse in front of her. The medic sighed and let herself be dragged along.

What better way to find Obito than to get captured into the organization he is planning on entering? Rin thought, rolling her eyes at her idiocy. I can definitely think of better possibilities... However, looking at who he's working under currently, I prefer this.


"There, get going. Don't soak the floor," Sasori commanded roughly. Like that's possible, Rin grumbled in her head. She was soaked from head to toe in the oddly heavy rain falling in Amegakure. So this is what Pein's rain feels like, hey...

"Sasori, take it easy," Deidara chided gently. "We know you're in a bad mood today, but she has nothing to do with it. It's not like we gave her anything to stop the rain, anyways." Rin glanced at him, surprised at the act of kindness. He caught the look and returned it with a glare.

"Don't think I'm being nice. I just don't want you to mess Sasori's day up any more than it already is, or he'll poison you," he muttered. "Ahh dang it, that's still being nice. I just... Just go away!" He turned and crossed his arms, light pink dusting his cheeks. Rin giggled.

"Yes, sir!" She saluted and ducked immediately after, narrowly avoiding something heading her way. The blond, who was behind her, could not get away in time.


"Owwww," Deidara complained, rubbing his head after recovering from the blow. "Whoever the heck is throwing pots and pans-"

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