Chapter 10: Conflict

Start from the beginning

I blinked a few times at him, wondering that myself. "I don't know, actually. You seem nice, you're cute... uh. You have really great hair." I smiled, laughing a little.

Derek rolled his eyes, smiling a little out of sheer doubt. I knew I had said the wrong thing, so I tried to say something more meaningful. "This is gonna sound silly but you make me feel like there's more than just this town," I admitted.

He took another hit, before holding it out to me again. "That is silly."

I looked at the blunt and decided to take it. What's the worst that could happen?

I took a hit and started coughing immediately.

"No, no. You hold it in and then cough," he instructed.

I tried that, but still didn't get anything out of it. I shook my head in disgust and handed the blunt back to him, wavering the smoke away.

"That's not for me," I sorely said, coughing some more.

He shrugged and took another hit, coughed, and said: "Suit yourself, goodie." He flicked the blunt away and then turned to me, kissing my cheek and neck. I was completely dazed, feeling the effects of weed a little.

Instead of wondering about my relationship or my problems, I wondered about Jughead. I wondered why he left in such a hurry, and why he hadn't texted me in the past couple of hours when we text almost all the time. I couldn't stop thinking about how he glared at Derek. I couldn't stop thinking about what he was about to say before I left him. Was I doing something wrong here?

Derek turned my face to him, snapping me out of my thought process.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, staring at me lovingly.

I the edge of my lips turned up a little.


We kissed and chatted for about an hour before I started to walk home. On my way back, I nearly got hit by a car. I was too dazed to pay attention to anything, and a car swerved around the corner before hitting its horn. I stumbled backward where the car sped by me. I blinked a few times before I stood up. I walked across the street without looking both ways because I was so out of it. That shook me up a little, so I went home and started eating like crazy. Chips, chocolate, sodas, and anything to satisfy this burst of hunger.

Later on, as I was getting over the small high, my mom came home and walked into my room.

"Cath?" She called, peeking in.

"Yeah?" I turned to look at her from my bed.

"Your dad and I are going on a little vacation this weekend since we've been overworking. We need some private time, you know?" 

I nodded, a little upset that I couldn't go. I also needed a break.

"You can handle yourself. I'll have a hundred dollars in the cupboard for food," she explained.

"Alright," I nodded, wishing she would leave. She did, and I ended up falling asleep.

Sunday passed quickly since there was nothing left to do. My dad and I watched some football and I took some pictures outside.

↳ Wednesday

Nov. 2nd ↵

I waited for Jughead to come by my house.

It was 7:10 A.M. and he normally comes at seven. It made me worry, honestly. I almost texted him until I saw him walk towards my house from down the road. He seemed upset, and I couldn't help but think that it was my fault. I felt like it was my fault because I knew I had completely ditched him at the dance, even though it's silly to get mad over something like that. Then again, it's Jughead. He tends to get a little defensive about the littlest of things. At the same time, I did ask him to come to the dance and practically abandoned him. I couldn't put my finger on what he was upset about, but I wanted to help nonetheless.

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