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"Hurry up Namjoon! We're gonna miss it" She yelled at me as she continued running up the hill. I stopped midway as I tried catching my breath, placing my hands on my knee's before running after her.

"Chae! Wait!" 

I looked around once I was at the top, confusion written over my face, Chae-young no where to be seen. "Chae? Wher-"

Before I could finish my sentence I was tackled to the ground, my arms pinned to the ground as she hovered over me "Did I scare you four eyes?"

I glared at her through my glasses "I told you not to call me that!" She simply giggled before getting off me. 

"Whatever you say"

I got off the ground as I dusted myself off and grabbing my notebook that fell on the ground, looking at the pages to make sure none of them were ripped.

"Stop staring at those stupid pages and look at the sunset we came all the way up here to see" I roll my eyes before looking up seeing the sunset fall perfectly behind the clouds. The colors crashing with the wind, as the sun set behind the mountains. Everything fitting together perfectly, like a puzzle, making the perfect sunset. I look down seeing Chae-young sit on the edge of the cliff looking up at the sight. I sat down next to her, only inches away from one another.

"Still planning on being an artist?"

"Of course" I said pushing up my glasses "Have you figured out what you wanted yet?"

"No, we're only 10, we still have time to decide"

"I know, but my parents always say it's best to know what you want earlier, so you can spend the rest of your time making sure to achieve that goal" She laughed, shaking her head slightly.

"I wanna travel...I wanna go to America, I wanna go to Paris, China, Canada, I wanna go everywhere"

"What about love?"

"I don't need it, I wanna find myself before I fall for anyone and all my dreams just get farther and farther away"

I had no other words to say so I looked up at the sky enjoying the moment we had together.

Only if I knew that would be the last, I would say and do so much more. Everything changed that summer, everything I cared about gone in flash, she was gone...

"Breaking News! There was a car crash on Highway 56 at 11:45pm, the car crashed into an 18-wheeler, It was confirmed that the driver of the 18-wheeler was drunk causing him to swerve and hit the family inside the vehicle. There was a family of three inside, two fatalities and the other not yet determined. The family involved in the crash was Kim Minseok, Kim Tae-lee, and Kim Chae-young. The little girl, Miss Chae-young's body has not yet been found, but investigaters say no could have survived the crash..."   

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