"Should not that mean we should try to make your 'eart warm?" he challenged, a smug look adorning his face.

"Alright, alright, we share ze blanket." I raised my hands in mock surrender and chuckled.

"So what were you doing out 'ere asleep on the roof?" I watched as he tipped his head back with a sigh, leaning on his arms as he stared at the sky.

"I needed to think; I 'ave some thoughts that need to be sorted."

"Like what?" I raised an eyebrow as I examined his expression. His profile was silhouetted in the moonlight, looking as though traced with a strand of silver. His brow furrowed, and my curiosity was further aroused.

"It is... unimportant. I would not want to scare you."

I groaned and bumped his shoulder with mine.

"Come on, Laf. You can tell me; I will be your confidante, oui?" I smiled up at him and he chuckled, turning to face me.

"You really want to know?" A weary smile rested on his face, and he laughed again as I nodded.

"Alright, but do not say I did not warn you."

I furrowed my brow as he suddenly began to look grim. His shoulders went slack; he chewed his lip and narrowed his eyes. I internally grimaced, seeing as when it came to emotions, I hadn't the slightest clue how to help. All I could do was raise my eyebrows and anticipate what was yet to come.

"A little over a week ago, General Washington informed me that we were going to war soon."

"Did 'e say specifically when?" I cut him off before he could continue voicing his concerns, and he nodded.

"Oui, a week after 'e found another major-general. But I do not know when that will happen, so it could be any time from a day to a month."

I sharply inhaled. I was dying to tell him about my conversation with Washington, to warn him that it would only be a day or two, but I was sworn to secrecy.

"Though, I 'ave no concern about time. I am more worried about leaving you all." He turned away once more, leaving my staring at his moonlit features.

"Last time I was at war, I met our friends through being stationed together. Now, though, everyone at our training ground will be scattered. To think I might not be with you, it--" he swallowed hard before continuing, "with any of you, it scares me more than going into battle."

On a whim, I reached out to lace my fingers into his. He tensed up at first as I took his hand in mine, but quickly relaxed.

"It should not being such a scary thought," I looked down at my feet when he rested his hand in his lap, mine still in it. It sent a sort of warm buzzing feeling through me that made my heart beat at a rate I wouldn't have thought safe.

"We can always write," I finished lamely, holding my breath as his thumb ran up and down the palm of my hand.

"It is not the same, you know?" He sighed and I nodded in agreement.

"I cannot solve your problems, but I 'ave something that can lessen the hurt," I offered. He raised an eyebrow and I grinned as I reached for Herc's whiskey.

"'ercules is going to hate us in the morning," Lafayette warned, but I popped it open anyway.

"We both have things weighing on our minds; we need the drinks." I wasted no time in bringing the bottle to my lips and smiling as it tickled my throat, just hardly burning.

"Oh? What's weighing on your mind?" He grabbed the whiskey from me before I could drain even half the bottle.

"Hé, give me that," I grumbled, trying to reach past him and grab the drink from his hand.

When Stars Align || G. Lafayetteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें