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After catching my breath, fully, I sat up and grabbed my panties slipping them back up to my hips. I sat back down on the couch in front fo Frank and took a sip of his coffee that was sitting on the coffee table. He looked at me from where he laid, running his fingers softly up and down my back. He got up soon after to put his boxers back on and resumed sitting next to me on the couch. I peered over my shoulder at him which he took as an invitation to bring his am around my shoulder and run his hand up my right arm, leaving small kisses on my left shoulder. It felt nice and reassuring, acting almost as confirmation that that really did just happen.

We both sat in silence contemplating what just happened before I heard my phone ringing. It played The Man Without Fear by drowning pool ft Rob zombie. It was Matt. I scrambled to get my phone out of my jean pocket before sliding the green dot across the screen and answering it.



"Y/N? I just got home and you weren't here. I was worried, you normally get home before me. Is everything alright?"

"Oh uh yeah, I guess I just lost track of time. I'm at the library at the moment and was consumed in a really good book."

He sighed in relief and laughed a little to himself

"Do you have an ETA?"

"Um probably shortly, I've only got a few chapters left. Have you eaten? I could bring home dinner?"

"Uh actually I have, Karen brought us dinner earlier. You can get something on the way home if you'd like though."

"Will do. Ill see you in about an hour then? Maybe a little more depending on how long it takes me to read and eat."

"Alright I'll see you when you get home."



When I ended the call I got up and started getting dressed.

"Off so soon?"

"Yeah, my 'caretaker' is worried about me being late. But I have to eat before going home so if you'd like to come with youre more than welcome."

He stood and got dressed as well. Making sure to pull his jacket on followed by the baseball cap he was wearing when we first met.

"Where to boss?"

"How 'bout the diner you tracked me down to a few months ago?"

He laughed at that.

"Sounds good."

My Life In RedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant