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I had no idea how I got myself into this situation. I was walking home from the library when someone grabbed me and put a bag over my head when I came to I was tied to a metal chair in an empty warehouse. That was three days ago. Since then the people, the Russians, who kidnapped me had interrogated and beaten me numerous times.


"Look if you let me go I promise I won't say anything to anybody, no one will know I was here. Please, I have nothing for you"

He just looked at me and laughed. I've stooped low enough to resort to begging. The truth is I was tired. I was tired of being away from my home and tired of being hit and scraping my wrists on the ropes that were tying me to the chair. I had no idea what these men's names where, I just wanted out. I wanted to know why they took me and get more of an answer than 'you should have asked your father who his employer was' Maybe I should ask again. I mean I've been here for a few days and no one would answer me.

"Fine if you won't let me go will you at least tell me why I'm here? I think I deserve to know since I'm kind of riding blind here."

"Alright, your here Because you are the last tie to Wilson Fisk. Happy?"

"I would be if I knew who that was.."

"He's The most powerful mob boss in Hell's Kitchen."

"But, what do I have to do with him?"

"Your father. He was one of his most trusted henchman. The best of the best. Ya know, when we got him here he sang like a bird, we beat him senseless and after a couple hours, and a railway tie to his knee, he gave up. he gave us all sorts of information on Fisk. Do you know why?"

He paused

"He kept saying over and over again 'please don't hurt my daughter, please don't hurt my daughter.' too bad he didn't live long enough, after we let him go, to see if we actually would or not."

"My dad is......dead?"

I wanted to cry but i couldn't bring myself to. it shouldn't have bothered me given we didn't have a strong relationship but he was all I had.

"Yes but you don't have to blame us for that one, that was all on Fisk. I suppose he shouldn't have given us most of what we needed. But now that he's gone youre the only one left to talk."

"B-but I don't know anything. I didn't even know what his job was. He just disappeared for weeks at a time. Please I know nothing. I just want my dad back."

I was starting to tear up now and my voice was shaky. I had nothing and I would probably die here if I didn't talk. Not that I had anything to say. I had no information for them.

"I suggest you give us all you can Ms-"

Whack! He was cut off by something hitting him, hard. I looked up to see a man in all red fighting the the Russian men standing around me. It all happened so fast I didn't have time to react. One minute he was taking down a bunch of men and the next he was knelt in front of me covered in scrapes and forming bruises asking me if I was okay.

"I-i-i guess I'm alright. J-just a little dazed is all."

"I'm going to untie you and get you out of here don't worry."

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