Glimpse #3: Surprises Come In Twos

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He leans forward, kissing my cheek then bends down, putting his face to my stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you," he says, grinning.


"Oh my god," I say, scowling at the line of people to get baggage. "I am truly going to murder someone.

"Emma, don't say that in public," Austins says, busy searching through the crowd of people for Jude. He texted a while ago to say he was here but we still see no sign of him. "Murder does not look good on a resume."

"Emma! Austin!"

My eyes snap forward and I see my big brother running through the crowd. He reaches us, throwing his arms around my body and squeezing tight.

"Careful man," Austin warns, then strides to collect our suitcases.

Jude unleashes me from his grasp, staring at me with curious look. "What's he mean, careful?"

I smile, despite how irritated I am and touch my stomach.

My brothers eye bulge at the roundness. "You're fucking pregnant," he says, more of a statement.

I nod. "Twenty nine weeks," I say, chuckling. "We are past the risk period, which is the only reason I'm telling you and coming home."

Austin and I have wanted a child since we've been engaged, but we've had two miscarriages in the last four years. The pain is great, losing a child you've never met before and we stopped trying but when the doctor told us I was pregnant again, we didn't get our hopes up.

"I am beyond happy for you, little sister," he says, hugging me again. "And our brothers better believe who is going to be the favourite uncle." Austin comes back, dragging our luggage. Jude attacks him in a hug.

"Congratulation man, you're going to be a dad," Jude says, laughing. "Man, I cannot wait to mete this little human."

"You and me both," Austin chuckles and we begin the journey home.

I cast a curious glance towards my brother. "How's Noah?"

Jude's eyes light up with glee when I mention his partner. "He's doing great," he says, and he details Noah's promotion. Its been two years since Jude came out as bisexual, taking everyone by surprise. Though, no one cared who he dates or falls in love with, because we love him no matter what.

"So, when has mom planned for a family dinner?"

"Tomorrow night," Jude says. "Are you going to tell everyone then? Mom said the dinner is mandatory, which I'm guessing is your doing."

I grin, nodding. "Well, I have one more surprise."


Every one sits around the table, staring at me with anxious eyes.

All of my brothers but Daniel are here. Logan and Cassie hold hands, one year old Grace in Logan's arms. Mom and Dad sit at the end of the table, her hand resting on his shoulder.  Diane and Mark sit beside my them. Quinn stands near the counter, Lucy wriggling around on his shoulders. Owen, Ben, and Aiden lean on the wall, waiting for me to speak.

Andrea, Joey, and Izzy are sitting at the table, grin knowingly.

Austin grabs my hand, squeezing. "We have an exciting announcement," I say, chuckling. Austin leans down, picking up the pink and blue pattered box and passing it to my parents. "Go ahead, open it."

My mom shoots me a curious look but takes the top off the box.

Her eyes widen and she covers her mouth. She reaches in and reveals two pairs of tiny, baby shoes. One blue and one pink. Tears of joy begin to run down her cheeks and she stands, coming over and wrapping her arms around me.

"I don't understand," Joey says, taking the shoes from dad. "Why are there two? Are you doing the baby X thing, where the child doesn't have a specific gender?"

I chuckle, glancing at Austin. Surprise is evident, written all over his face.

"We're having twins," I announce. "A boy and a girl."

Austin smiles, kissing my on the cheek as my mom squeals. Everyone begins to talk excitedly, my brothers arguing over who will be the favourite. My parents envelop me in another hug before Austin wraps his arms around me.

The rest of the day is full of laughter and tears, happy tears and if there is such a thing as a perfect day, this is it.


That's the end of the glimpses.

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