Chapter 34: When in Milan

Start from the beginning

“Okay, I’m sorry. I never should’ve mentioned that.” I tell him, meaning every word. “So what are you up to right now?”

“Just finished sound check, then show starts in two hours.” He informs me and then chatters grow from the other line a matter of five seconds later.

“Is that Valerie?” I hear another voice—Niall preferably—and I can imagine Harry shooing him away with a harsh whisper while covering the mouthpiece of his phone. “Oh hi, Valerie! I missed you!” I laugh when Niall yells to the phone and yet again, I can only imagine Harry scowling at him.

“Go away, you twat!” I hear Harry shouts at Niall.

“What baby?” I ask, pretending that I thought it was me he was yelling at.

“No, baby.” He responds quickly, his breathing becomes sharp. “I was referring to that Irish twat.”

“Oh,” I nod while laughing.

“Valerie!” I hear Niall again.

“Go away, you freak!” Harry yells again at the same time that I hear an object being pitched followed by a ‘blag’ sound at a distant. He must’ve thrown something at Niall and I laugh at the mere thought. “Finally.” He sighs. ”I’d have to get my shoe back. Niall took it after I hit him in his arse.” He tells me and I laugh even harder. “Listen, I love you so much, baby. I would have to call you soon. And please, take good care in Milan. Go and get ready now.” He tells me and I nod in his every pause although he can’t see me.

“I love you so much. You take care too. And baby, please don’t forget that Niall’s fart stinks more than mine. You don’t want to mess with him.”

“Noted.” He laughs and that’s when I hang up to get started with packing as he advised.


My schedule was packed for today— wardrobe fitting and runway rehearsals. I can hardly tell that the show will already be tomorrow. Please note the sarcasm.

Models come and go, mixed words and conversations reverberated inside the venue—making it so noisy, and the atmosphere was so heavy despite the cold weather. Thank goodness, we’re already done for today. I also made a mental note to fetch Sophia tomorrow from the airport. I’m so glad that she’ll be here to see me doing my job, giving me moral support.

I am almost fine that Harry or Eleanor wouldn’t be here tomorrow because of her, but it’s still a bit different without them.

Walking out of the theatre, my boot stumbled over a small bump on the gravel ground that I almost trip if I haven’t been caught by two well sculpted arms covered by a thick coat of someone—a familiar someone. I instantly pull away from the guy’s hold and hold on to the strap of my bag as soon as I realize who it is. I didn’t even notice him approaching, let alone know that he’d be able to catch me from falling to the ground.

“Hi.” White puffs of cool air escape his lips as he stupidly grins at me. He is quite the charming type, but like Harry, I don’t trust him. I even have half the mind to just ditch without thanking him, but that would be impolite. If he wasn’t a Guess photographer, I’d probably just run along, pretend that I didn’t see him. Here in Milan. Of all places.

“Mr Flanagan. Hi.” I try to be as courteous as possible, though I am mentally glaring daggers at him for fifteen seconds already.

“Oh, please Valerie. I thought we’re through with this. Just call me Devon.” I squeeze my eyes shut for split seconds at his cocky appearance. I know Harry doesn’t want me being around this Devon guy who was just a stranger to me back then, but right after I finally got a clearer image of his face, I started cursing the night I drank irresponsibly because it led me to this smug individual.

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