Love is Everywhere- Quartet Night (2)

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Ai Mikaze

You and Ai had planned to visit the amusement park. "Hey Ai do I look Okay?" "Yes you do. We should be leaving now before we miss the opening" "Aw Ai your so bad you could have at least commented on this" "Why?" You sighed. "Lets just go" You guys then got into the taxi and left. You and Ai were silently sitting. Your mind kept trying to focus on everything and anything but the male sitting next to you. You guys finally reached.

"Oh my goodness Ai this is amazing" "It should be. It was specially created for-" Blah Blah Blah. He kept droning. "Oh Shut up Ai lets GO!" You grabbed his hand and kept going from place to  place. You were riding the most scary rides and doing thriller things and enjoying your time. But Ai? Well he kept spoiling your fun by giving scientific facts that bore you to death. He didn't even look like he was interested. "Woahh!!!" "This is a straight 85 degree drop. The sudden fall makes the passengers-" so on and so forth. You were feeling sort of sad, since you felt like you dragged him into it.

You sighed as your day came to an end. "Are you okay (Y/n)?" "Sorry" "For what?" "Well you didn't seem to have as much fun as I expected you to have-" "Did you have fun?" "What?" "Did you have fun?" "Well yeah. It was fun, but-" "Then I'm happy" You looked at Ai, your eyes widened.  Ai stopped suddenly and turned to look at you.

 " (Y/n) when you are happy , it makes me happy. I don't know why but my mind seems to change it functions to only think about you. I feel like I  want to make you happy and hate to see you unhappy. I deeply care for you and  I want you to be mine. I searched about these feeling and found out that this is called Love. (Y/n) I'm 100% sure that I'm in love with you." You were a blushing mess and were surprised when he said it with a straight face. He kept waiting for your reaction. You suddenly felt shy "A-Ai  I-I Love you t-too" You saw Ai give you a heart stopping smile. "(Y/n) can I kiss you?" You were first surprised but then nodded. He placed his hand on your cheek and your lips met. It was the most daring thing you had done.


You and Cecil were stuck under a pile of work given by your senpai, Camus. You and Cecil were now trying to hid your smile since you guys had jinxed you senpai's desserts. "WHO DID THIS???!!!" You and Cecil fist bumped, shrunk back when you both saw your seniors face. Both of you were scared to hell. He had the most scariest face and aura. The two of you quickly got to do you work.  He stomped his way to the two of you. "WHICH ONE OF DID IT?" Both you looked at each other. "She did it!! It was her idea." Cecil you betrayer. Cecil got up and ran away. "AIJIMA!!!COME BACK HERE!!" Cecil jumped out of the window. The eyes of Camus was now focused on you. You hide your face up to the bridge of your nose, with the note book you had in your hands. 

Camus was glaring at you so fiercely that you instantly started shaking. He walked to you and towered over you. "S-S-Senpai...... S-S-S-Sorry-" He grabbed your hand and hauled you up. "Whose idea was this?" "C-Cecil" "And did you help him?" "Y-Yes.." "Why?" His grip on your wrist made you wince. "W-Well Um.....Y-You G-gave a lot of work, s-s-so w-we thought....." You were now looking down. There were tears threatening to fall. "Tch" He let go of your hand and started walking away. "Humph... I don't even know why I'm here. This is just a waste of time." "Then leave" Camus stopped at looked at you surprised. 

"If you have so much of problem then leave. We'll manage without you" You were tired of his arrogance. "What a thankless person you are.You should be thankful-" "To have a senior like you?" Camus looked at you with surprise written all over his face. Clearly he never had anyone who stood up to him, well you'll show him. "Thankful to have a senior who is a count and considers everyone beneath his dignity? To have someone who will demotivate you to point of wanting to give up? To have someone who is indifferent to any ones pain? Some one who cares about nothing but his post? Someone who made other do his work? Huh? Should I be thankful?" Camus was dumbstruck. "I respected you. Even when you through my hard work at my face I respected you. Even when you demotivated me I respected you. But this is enough. I came here to full fill my dreams and ask for advice when I feel like giving up. What is happening here is not what I signed up for? I'm leaving" With that you stomped away. When you reached the door Camus spoke "What are going to do after this? Who will help you?" "That's not your problem anymore" 

You had packed your back and were ready to leave. You had talked to your cousin, who was an idol. He agreed to help you and you also took permission from Shining. You were all set to leave when you heard a knock on your door. Wondering who it was you opened the door, only to meet the face of Camus. He looked around and his eyes widened when he saw your packed bags. "Where are you going?" You turned around and grabbed your suitcase and your bag and stood in front of him. "Like I said before it is no longer your problem. I talked to Shining and he agreed on making my cousin as my supervisor. So that's where I'm going. Good bye Camus senpai. I apologize for being a burden" It broke your heart to leave but then you were not gonna put up with this anymore.  You had walked a few steps when you suddenly felt hands around your shoulder. You were pulled back and your bags fell. Your back met with a chest and you felt the head of the person hugging you, rest it on your shoulder. "S-senpai-" "I'm sorry" You froze. "I'm sorry (Y/n) please don't go. I know that I've been mean but I never realized that it hurt you so much. Please forgive me. I'll try my best I promise" You slowly turned around to see Camus with a sad expression. He took your hand and said "I've developed feeling for you(Y/n) you can't just leave me." He placed a kiss on your hand and tears were falling from you eyes. "I-I feel the same. A-and-" You were stopped with his lips on yours. You closed your eyes and melted into it. "Please stay I promise to try and be better" "I'll stay"

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