His Feelings- Starish

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Otoya Ittoki

He couldn't stop thinking about you. You were the only one who knew his past and supported him. You made him feel strong. He was in love with you, and blushed when he admitted it. You supported him and saw through his facade. You always rooted for him. He wanted to love you and stay by your side like you did to him.

Tokiya Ichinose

Even when you came to know that he was HAYATO you still treated him normally. It was you who inspired him to join Starish. You were the one who was by his side when his life stated to change. He owed a lot to to. You were annoying, loud and hyper, but still he fell in love with you. He loved you and wanted to make you happy.

Ren Jinguiji

You were interesting to him. You never swooned the way other girls did. You were bond by manners and respect. Your love for books went over his head. But still when it comes to music you're not far behind in surprising him. You could find the smallest flaw in even an almost perfect song. You could make things perfect. You were perfect. He wanted you to be his precious lover. You made him fall for you and he wants you to fall for him.

Masato Hijirikawa

He didn't understand why you were always on his mind. You helped him when he told about his conditions for attending the academy. You didn't let his confidence fall. You were a ball of energy that captured him. Your love for sweets was some he never understood, yet he sweetly fell in love with you.

Syo Kurusu

You were always on his mind. Even when he joined Starish you supported him. You were always the first one to know and change in him and were happy when he was. Even when he got the role to act with Hyuga sensei you were the first one to congratulate him.Your smile was enough to make his train of thoughts crash and stutter. You were there for him. And now he promised to be there for you. 

Natsuki Shinomiya

Even though you were always cold to others he knew that you were different on the inside. He seemed to always think about you. At first he thought of giving on the friendship, but when he saw the piyo chan key chain he gave you on you bag he was overjoyed. You were extremely cute but never thought so yourself. There was something about you that made his heart beat faster.

Satsuki Shinomiya

At first he hated you, and how cold you were to Natsuki. But once when you secretly protected Natsuki is when he realized that you were just like him. Both of you were cold and distant but would do things for Natsuki. He saw how mush you cared about Natsuki when you thought no one was looking.

You made both of them fall for you.

Cecil Aijima

Even before you knew him he knew you,thanks to the muses. When he was a cat he saw your real face. You were a happy child and enjoyed life, but you were afraid to be hurt. You were cautious of people and their opinion that you were ever ready to fight. That is exactly what he wanted to change. And that is what he will change. You made him fall in love and he will make sure to show you its beauty.

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