Meeting - Starish

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Otoya Ittoki

You were a pretty hard working and dedicated student with the aim of making a difference. At the moment you were sitting in A class and Ringo sensei was telling us about a project you have to do it was similar to the one you had done before. A composer and a singer in a pair have to create a song.

" (l'n) chan and Ittoki kun are a pair." you and the latter got up. He looked okay with his red hair and red eyes and a smile. His eyes met yours and his smile widened. You smiled back. There was something hidden in that smile. You hoped to uncover it.

Tokiya Ichinose

You were walking outside since you weren't able to sleep. Enjoying the silence you broke into a run. You were a pretty hyper active child and were always restless. You stopped near the lake catching your breath. You looked around in awe, the entire place looked as if it was taken out of a painting. Taking a deep breath you started to sing your favorite song by Hayato. You were lost in what you were doing and suddenly stopped when you heard a branch break. Turning around you met none other than your favorite singer. You were about say some thing when you were interrupted

" No I'm not Hayato I'm his twin Tokiya and you are (Y/n) ?" You nodded " What I have heard is true then. You have a beautiful voice ,stay out in the cold and you'll lose it" with that he walked away. Hayato has a twin!! You never read about that. Turning around you ran back to read about Hayato again. There was nothing about a twin brother. He's lying.

Ren Jinguji

You were a book worm. A hard core bookworm. You loved music no doubt that's why you were in Saotome ,but you could never let go of the books that inspired you to compose and become a musician. You were always seen with a book ,and you either read it or compose in it. You were at the moment at the rooftop enjoying the breeze when the sound of a saxophone playing. Walking towards it you saw the schools flirt Ren. Mesmerized by the sound you closed your eyes and attentively heard the music. He was playing it perfectly when one of the notes when flat. It wouldn't make a difference to untrained ears.
" Well well who do we have here. " you opened my eyes to meet blue ones. Before he could say anything else you spoke.
"( Y/n). And you went flat in between I think you know where. Sorry for eavesdropping Good bye now" You bowed and walked away leaving behind dumbstruck boy.

Masato Hijirikawa

You were a sweet tooth. Sugar was your life. And when you heard that they were selling limited edition sweets you ran for it. You turned around and bumped in to someone. You quickly looked at him and apologized and ran for it again.
You were walking back content with yourself. You had bought a lot of sweets enough to last a month for a normal person but barely two weeks for you. As you were walking back you saw the man you bumped into. Running to him you said " I'm sorry for bumping into you earlier" he looked surprised. " Oh its okay though where were you running in such a hurry" you grinned like a kid. " Sweets!!" He sweat dropped." Isn't that too much."
" what? Too much no its less I couldn't get much due to it being limited edition." You sighed. " Anyways I'm ( Y/n)"

" Masato Hijirikawa" " See you around here" you handed him a sweet he silently took it." Bye" you ran back to my dorm.

Syo Kurusu

You were a competitive kid since you were a child. But you weren't active . You'd rather sit and observe rather than play. Though if you were asked to play you'd play pretty well. You were very practical rather impulsive.
You were walking towards the cafeteria since you were hungry. But when you turned your back met the floor with a force that knocked the breath out of you and a boy on top of you. The boy quickly got off you.
" I'm sorry are you okay?" " Yeah I guess" he helped you get up . While you both introduced yourselves. Natsuki came to you. You met Natsuki when you buying a piyo Chan key chain just for the sake of it." Oh are the two of you okay? Here let me give some cookies." With that he fed you and Syo one. It tasted horrible. He was about to give you more when you and Syo ran away.

Natsuki Shinomiya

You were a loner. Never had a friend and didn't plan on having one anyway. You were a silent rocket. You were cold to people and sat in the corner. You always went unnoticed and preferred it that way. But what you didn't know was that someone had in fact noticed you.
" Hey do you want some cake?" You turned you head to meet green eyes."No thanks I'll pass" You saw that the cake was from the baker near by. And you heard that their cake was very nice. But you didn't care. This has been going on for almost two weeks. You noticed that he hadn't left." Listen please leave alone." " Only if you let me be your friend and I fail. I want to help you. Please give me a chance" the same words he always says. You sighed and turned around and took a little of the cake that he offered. He smiled and seemed excited. Well this once shouldn't hurt right?

Cecil Aijima

You were a rebel and got into fights a lot. You had anger management problems. You loved music but took no shit from no one. You had a clear idea of what you wanted and wouldn't change it. But actually you were afraid of someone hurting you, so you fought and remained hated by many.

You were standing near a tree after fight with a boy. To calm down you took a deep breath in and started to sing. After you finished you heard a clapping from above. You looked up to see a figure jump down and land right in front of you. He knelt and took my hand which You snatched back. But before you could say anything he spoke. "You have a beautiful voice and I'm glad that the muses have led me here. The fear in your heart will soon disappear and then your music will be as good as one of the muse" you jumped back. " W-What are you talking about?" He smiled." We'll meet again (Y/n). Until then remember me. I'm Cecil Aijima" with that he vanished.


Hello people. I will take requests but please NO LEMON. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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