Chapter 10

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Heather wasn't kidding when she said that we were building the so-called 'salmon ladder' the next day. She woke me up bright and early, still shirtless the two of us, and literally dragged me to the forge, while she had a rather large roll of parchment in her hands.

The moment we got to the forge, Heather showed me the design. The salmon ladder consists of two large metal bars with arrow-head shaped hooks attached to them. 7 of them attached at a precise distance, at least half a foot away from each other. And a strong metal rod is included in that is used to help you climb up and repel down the ladder. It looks easy enough.

"Do you think we can build this within the day?" Heather asked me. I nkdded and said, "Gobber has two metal bars that would work for this. And I remember keeping a metal rod made from Gronckle Iron in here somewhere. It should be long enough for the ladder." "Okay, so we just need the arrow-head shepaed hooks attached to the bars." She concluded and I agreed. Amd we got to work.

Heather started melting the metal, while I made the mold. While we waited for the metal to melt in the furnace, Heather and I readied the two metal bars, marking them at the correct distance.

We even installed the bars in the academy. We placed it in an area in the far side of the arena. We actually had to borrow Meatlug for it to stand.

We had Meatlug spit lava on the areas we marked on the pavement for the bars to hold. By the time we got back to the forge, the metal has already melted. Heather helped me pour it unto the 14 molds that I made for the hooks. She even helped me hammer it down so that it'll stay in its metal form.

We dipped it in the water and let it cool down in a corner in the forge. I grabbed a piece of clean cloth from one of the drawers and wiped the sweat off my face. Heather is drinking from one of the canteens I stowed in my little study. She tossed me the canteen and I drank the remaining contents and tossed the it back in the drawer.

"Hiccup, you're gonna hate me for this." She suddenly said to me. "Why would I hate you?" I asked her. "Because this actually concerns Astrid." She said as she slowly flinched away from me. "Why is Astrid involved in this?" I asked he, confused. "Because you need to convince her to let us borrow Stormfly for an hour." She said to me, her arms now shielding herself from me. "And by convince, you mean talk her into letting us borrow Stormfly since I'm still shirtless." I sarcastically said. "Also she has the hots for you. Even Ruffnut." She said. I raised my eyebrows at her and said, "How'd you know that?"

"They tend to talk really loud in the Great Hall." She shrugged. Then, I smirked at her, "Do you have the hots for me?" She just rolled her eyes, but I could see her cheeks turning red. "Maybe..." She said. I decided to tease her a little further. "And by 'maybe' you mean how you looked distracted while we were sparing as you were staring at my chest. Her cheeks got impossibly darker. It was actually really cute.

Then, what she did surprised me. She confidently stood up, walked to me slowly. Then, she circled me in a slow pace, and whispered seductively in my ear, "How about when you couldn't stop sneaking glances at my body while we were sparing?". Her voice sent shivers down my spine. I almsor choked out a moan as her breath tickled my ear. She let out a small giggle as she saw my flustered expression. "Now let's bring these hooks to the arena."

"Heather you are such a tease. You'll be the death of me." I thought as I gathered the hooks and the two of us ran to the academy. "You know, you stille need to talk to Astrid about Stormfly." Heather reminded as me as we reached the arena. "Why does it have to be Stormfly?" I groaned at her. Then, she started laughing uncontrollably and I just looked at her as of she lost her mind.

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