Chapter 1: The Revival

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Silence... peaceful, quiet, lonely. To purge an area of sound is to eradicate all possibility of combat and violence. However, silence may not last for eternity.

A sudden hush of wind swept over the long, snow covered grass outside the mountainous injured wall, colliding against the mangled metal to produce a horrifying roar. The wall, towering up to two-hundred feet tall, glared down on the blocked trail below it, where thousands of unmanned, rusted cars waited, rooted to the spot where they have been for four-hundred years. The trail eventually penetrated the wall and led through its blockade into a state called the Cosmodrome..... sadly this path was blocked. Behind the cluster of cars, awaited a collapsed bridge that used to stretch out for over a mile, but now left a gaping hole, in the chasm below the wall.

Once the wind died back down, a slight echo of technological chatter echoed from a distance. A diamond like, pure white, floating.... drone, without knowledge of a better description, with a spherical inner, protected by its multiple triangular segments of shelling, and a single cycloptic eye at its centre, that shimmered with fluorescent blue light. The drone floated several metres off of the barren snow-covered wasteland, and scoured every car as if it was analysing them, but what for? The mechanical chatter paused for a sudden moment, and the drone froze....

"I've finally found you!" Proclaimed the minute droid, as it expanded its shell and the spherical rock at its core was exposed for the first time.


An abrupt flash of bright blue light, covered the area that lay below the wall, and within the centre of the spark, the first breath (in this area) for hundreds of years was taken, by a hastily appearing humane figure that was engulfed in the blue light.

The light dissipated, and there stood a human reincarnated from what seemed to be bones in one of the rusting cars. The figure stood tall, and gazed around his surroundings, eventually setting a fixed glare on the minuscule little robot.

Silence descended back on the chasm below the wall, whilst a gust of wind began to blow through the newly risen's hair and his vestments, that floated back as if they were his wings. The gale, began to knock the hovering droid off of its balance, disturbing the peaceful silence between the two beings, who withheld their menacing glare at each other, patiently waiting for either one of them to break the solemn silence that eagerly persisted to create tension.

Eventually, the newly risen figure broke the silence; "Ouch!" Exclaimed the newly revived human sarcastically, with tears beginning to swell in the beaming blue eyes of the man, merely at the age of 24, with illustrious long hair and a stellar physique. The ever-floating machine replied; "Cut the sarcasm, this is an important matter! Eyes up Guardian!".

The 'Guardian' pondered what the hovering piece of machinery meant by this, and jokingly replied; "I feel like I've heard that line before, where do you get your conversation skills from?" This attempt to get a laugh was closely followed by the Guardian asking; "What are you?" to the seemingly emotionless droid.

The droid hastily sighed and said in a joking tone; "I should have been assigned to a different Guardian.... I am a Ghost, more specifically your Ghost. I was created by the Traveller in its dying breath to find you, revive you, usher you back to the Tower and prepare you to fight against humanities and the Travelers enemies. You are now the barer of unbelievable powers Guardian, powers of the light. You are a Warlock, one of three classes (Titan and Hunter being the aforementioned). You've been dead for a long time...."

"Now, I love small talk as much as the next Ghost does, but I'd like to prevent you from dying again, so can we please vacate to somewhere safer than here?" Stated the Ghost in an urgent tone.

The Guardian felt obliged to accept all of the information that he had just received, attempting to rapidly recall and process the information his Ghost had just informed him of. As his Ghost glided away from his spot of revival, the Guardian mustered one more question; "Where am I?".

The Ghost halted in his floating path and gradually circled to face the Guardian; "You are on Earth, just outside the Cosmodrome in Old Russia. Now I know you must be troubled by thousands of questions, but as we speak the inhabitants of this area are coming to kill me and you, and that would mean I can't revive you again! I am your Ghost as long as I live, I will be able to revive you, unless in areas of complete darkness.... Now come along, let's go inside the collapsing two hundred foot wall and find a ship, to get us to the Tower."

"Anyone ever tell you, you need to work on your motivational speeches?" Joked the Guardian. The Guardian paused and just had to ask two more integral questions, to reprieve his conscience of curiosity and allow him to go further; "What is coming to kill us, and how did I die?" Asked the ever-curious Warlock.

The Ghost sighed; "You died, almost four-hundred years ago, at the pinnacle of an event called the Collapse, humanity lost millions, those that surround us now all died at the same time as you, consumed by the darkness or torn apart by its minions. The scavengers that are trying to kill us as we speak are....." halting the Ghost mid-speech was a flash of Arc light emitted from a Skiff turret, that meticulously strayed wide of the Ghost and the newly revived Guardian, with a sense of luck.

"RUN!" Yelled the Ghost. "In to the wall! Those are Fallen, that is a Fallen Skiff, they are the ones who are trying to kill us!" Explained the Ghost.

"You couldn't have told me this sooner!" Screamed the Guardian as they ran away from the Arc missiles.

"Oh don't give me that S**T, you could at least thank me for reviving you." Said the Ghost.

"Can I turn you off? Change your voice option or something, because you are annoyingly robotic!" Said the Guardian, jokingly.

"Can we discuss this later after we're safe from being disintegrated by Arc lightning! We must get into the wall, find a weapon, find a ship and get out of this hell hole!" Explained the Ghost.

With treacherous bolts of Arc lightning being fired from the Fallen Skiff, the Guardian, bare without his armour, avoided the missiles, using the decaying cars as cover against the furious strikes of lightning, knowing full well that if he falls down wounded, his Ghost will slow and die with him. He stared at his Ghost and locked gaze with it as they ran. This was a defining gaze for both of them, they now both understood each other, bonding over the threat of death that furiously loomed over the horizon of the chasm below the wall.

As they neared the entrance to the wall, and their brief safety, the Ghost proclaimed sarcastically; "Why do I feel like we're going to have a lot more moments like this?".

The Guardian, mockingly replied; "You said it yourself, no time for questions! There's no time to explain!".

As they entered into safety, silence fell between the two, and both understandingly gazed at each other.

"Let's get out of here." Said the Guardian.

"Let's go find you a weapon." said the Ghost, as it floated deeper into the dark corridors of the crumbling wall, lighting them up with light emitted from its blue fluorescent eye. "That ship won't be there forever." The Ghost stated, attempting to usher the Guardian into a leisurely stride.

"So it's my turn to shoot back at them?" The Guardian asked to the Ghost.

"Yes", replied the Ghost, "But the Fallen aren't always so easy to run away from, you know?".

"Again you really need to work on your pep-talks, have you ever heard of motivational speeches? They're meant to encourage people." The newly risen jokingly stated.

"Well I'm not filled with confidence in you." Said the Ghost.

"Don't worry you've never seen me shoot, you'll feel better then." The Guardian stated arrogantly, as they began to venture further into the dark inner-corridors of the decaying wall, towards a threat deep within the wall itself.

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