When you first meet

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I was walking to lunch with Mina and the other girls in my class as we were having a simple conversation, but that stopped once our attention was brought to a large crowd that mostly consisted of boys as there were also some girls as well. The school was known for not having any fights amongst students and it doesn't seem like quirks were being used. "Hey lets go check it out," Mina said cheerfully as I lightly rolled my eyes but followed along with the others and tried to see what was causing the crowd. From the random shouts of "is it true" or "are you really related to her" coming from various of students it must be some unfortunate student that was really popular. I looked over to a student before asking, "Excuse me, but why is there a bunch of students crowding around here?" The male student looked over at me as he said a bit too excitedly "Oh you didn't hear; the pro hero Midnight has a kid that started to go here recently and it seems like they got found out." I listened as I thought for a moment as I decide to make my way through the crowd, I was partly curious to see for myself as I carefully made my way through the slightly annoying bunch of people.

Once I was able to get to where I could see who was the center of everyone's attention I was slightly surprised to see the newest student in 1-A, (y/n) (l/n). I watched as she had on her school uniform, shimmering (h/l)(h/c) hair that was neatly kept, and her (e/c) eyes that seemed to show discomfort from the mass of people and being bombarded with questions left and right. She definitely was a pretty girl, so maybe it was true but I held my thought as I pushed the rest of my way through so I could help her out of this situation as it seemed like she could use a hand. "(y/n) (l/n) correct," I asked as she jumped slightly as she looked at me as she nodded her head in a yes manner before I continued to talk. "Do you mind if I speak with you for a moment pertaining to our history class," after I had asked she replied, "Of course Yaoyorozu." With that I walked with (y/n) through the crowd as they were all making comments or groaning about how she didn't answer them as we finally got out of the crowd as we walked a bit a ways from the now dispersing crowd. "If you'd like I can let you borrow my notes if there was something you didn't understand," I looked over to (y/n) after hearing her offer as I lightly chuckled and shook my head a bit. "Thank you but that won't be necessary, I only asked that so I could help you out. You looked really uncomfortable in that situation so I thought I'd give you a hand since you are a new student after all... I don't mean to push the subject manner but I'm also kind of curious, are you related to Midnight," I asked the last part as we walked. She seemed to have gotten slightly pink in the face as she lightly gave a small nervous giggled before saying, "Oh well thank you for helping me out," she thanked me before letting out a sigh before finishing with "But yeah, hehe Midnight is my mom." She ended up joining me and the girls for lunch as we all started to get to know her better.


We were all coming back from lunch as it was going to be hero training next as I was pumped for whatever we were going to be doing today. I was sitting next to Katsuki as we were having a small conversation while he ranted about putting Deku in his place and yada yada. That was until I heard a small meow and I looked around to find the source as it seemed like I wasn't the only one hearing it either as I heard another meow. I slightly jumped a bit when I something jumped up onto my desk as I shook my head to see an Egyptian Mau cat sitting on my desk swaying its tail as it let out another meow. "What the hell is a stupid cat doing in here," I heard Katsuki ask from next to me as it seemed like that cat looked over in his direction as its big round (e/c) eyes seem to glare at Katsuki, did it understand what he said. I moved my hand and gently petted the cat's head smoothing down its (f/c) fur as it seemed to let me do so without biting or clawing at me. The girls came over to look at the cat as I petted the mysterious cat as they were saying how cute she was as I lightly chuckled continuing to pet her head.

Then the door open to see Aizawa come into the room to see us all gathered in one spot. "What are all of you doing standing up, class is about to start," he said in his usual tired sounding voice until Ochako spoke up. "Aizawa I didn't know you brought your cat to school with you sometimes," when she said that the cat tilted her head as she looked at Ochako and Aizawa looked confused until he saw the cat on my desk and sighed. "It seems that if this was a test you'd all fail," He said as we were all got confused until we heard a meow as the cat hopped off my desk and going over to the front of the room to our teacher as he shook his head. "Well Are you going to stay like that or are you going to change back so I can introduce you," He asked looking down at the cat as its tail swayed side to side while making a purring sound, now I'm just confused what was he talking about. That was when the cat was no where to be seen but there was a girl that looked around our age and she seemed to be wearing her hero outfit as I felt my face getting warm, she looked hot! "Hehe Sorry bout that Aizawa, it's not everyday you get pulled from your own class to help out another one," The girl said in a giggle as she turned to us as she smiled and waved; beautiful (h/l)(h/c) and the round (e/c) eyes it was a surprise to see but also embarrassing to think that I was petting her on the head. "This is (y/n) (l/n) from class 1-b; I've asked her to assist you in your hero training today, for she will be showing you what it's like to work with or against a person who has a shapeshifting quirk," He said as I didn't stop looking at the girl as I was hoping to be able to be paired with her, then I got up to go get ready.


I was sitting in the classroom chatting with Kirishima and Sero until Sero fell backwards from sitting too far back in his chair as Kirishima and myself started to laugh. I then heard the door to the classroom open so I turned my head to see who was entering the room to see Tsuyu enter with another girl who had on glasses and was (shorter/taller) than Tsuyu. I watched as the two went and set their stuff down at their desks as I got up to go over to greet them. Tsuyu was the first one to see me coming over as she said, "Good morning Kaminari." I smiled as I waved while getting a better look at the new girl; she had pretty (h/l)(h/c) hair and soft (e/c) eyes as her face seemed to have a few... scales? I pushed the thought back a bit before talking. "Good morning Tsuyu, I saw you come in with a new face so I thought I'd come over and say hi," I said giving a light nervous laugh. "Ah I see. Kaminari this is my cousin (y/n) (l/n), she's the last student we've been waiting for the past two days," Tsuyu said as I was kinda surprised to hear she had a cousin as cute as (y/n) was. "It's nice to meet you Kaminari, I hope we can be friends," I heard her say as she held out her hand to me as I take it and gave it a light shake. We sat down and talked as I helped Tsuyu finish catching up (y/n) to speed on what's happening in classes.


It was like any other day as we were in class waiting for our hero course to start as Katsuki was fighting with Tenya again about how Katsuki shouldn't put his feet on the desks and such. I let out a sigh since it was pointless, Katsuki doesn't listen to anyone that was until I heard someone clear their throat. "Would you please shut up already, the both of you are being too loud," I turned along with everyone else to see our classmate to see who's light and tired sounding voice it belonged to as I saw our classmate (y/n) (l/n). Katsuki looked over and growled as he got up going over to (y/n)'s desk and slamming his hands down glaring at her. "Who do you think you are, and the least to think I'd take orders from you," he said as his hand seemed to start to spark small explosions. I watched as she moved a hand through her (h/l) (h/c) hair as she looked at him with a bored expression as a sigh escaped her lips as she said, "Look Kaachan I respect you as a person so please don't make me use my quirk." I watched closely since I've never knew or seen her use her quirk. He looked more pissed than calm as he raised his hand as it seemed like he was gonna blow her up, but her eyes started to glow a pastel pink as (y/n) looked at Katsuki and then he fell over with a thud. The whole classroom gasped in surprised of what happened as she looked at us confused as if this was normal. "What he's perfectly fine, he's just taking a small nap; he'll wake up when the teacher gets here," she said as she folded her arms and rested her head down. I was amazed at how cool and composed she was against Katsuki though he may not be very happy that he was knocked out when he wakes up. I looked over at (y/n) again as it looked like she dosed off herself, maybe I'll could become friends with her she seems really cool.

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