Arrival at Lothlorien

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As the two elves neared Caras Galadhon, they came upon Cerin Amroth, the heart of the ancient realm. Legolas paused to pick a cluster of niphredil, the pale blossom that grew in clusters around the ring of mallorns. He felt young again among such aged trees, and his heart remembered the last time he had been there, with the fellowship. Such sorrow they had suffered. He thought of Frodo and his burden, hoping that the young hobbit had found peace again in the Shire. His thoughts drifted to Aragorn and Arwen, recalling that Cerin Amroth was home to their confessions of love.

"It is a magical place, is it not, Farothin? Full of memories..." Legolas stated, not really asking for a reply. He place the nephredil in his pocket, and said, "Come, the Lady awaits."

Legolas ascended to the talan and the great chamber of the Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel

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Legolas ascended to the talan and the great chamber of the Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel. The platform hung among the mallorn trees like the deck of a vast and powerful ship, open to the air and the hush and whispers of the trees.

Here, Galadriel and Celeborn reigned supreme. They were as ancient as the trees themselves, and their eyes held the wisdom and sorrow of many ages.

"Welcome, son of Thranduil. Too long has it been since we saw you last at the courts of Gondor," said Celeborn, warmly beckoning Legolas to his chair.

Legolas approached the Lord and Lady, bowing before them.

"I am here at your command, my lady." He glanced around the chamber. Many elves had gathered in the hall, which shone with the brightness of their raiment and complexion. Legolas felt slightly unnerved at their interest and wished to discover for himself the purpose of his visit.

He looked into the Lady Galadriel's eyes, and she held his gaze.

"You wish to leave Mirkwood, son of Thranduil?"

"Yes," Legolas nodded solemnly. "With my father's blessing, I would travel to Ithilien and create a new kingdom of elves in its fair forest." Legolas broke his eyes away from Galadriel to look at Celeborn. "My father has given his consent in this matter."

Galadriel turned her eyes on Legolas once more. "We know, for he sent word of this matter himself. Legolas, you are still young yet and have much love for Middle-Earth and its peoples. It is not wholly wrong for you to want to stay, but many of the firstborn are leaving these shores."

Legolas nodded. He had seen many depart from his own land, seeking the light of Valinor on western seas.

"My own time has come for me to depart. Soon I will make way to Imladris to meet Elrond and ride on to the Havens. The power of Nenya is failing, and then Lorien will be a ghost of what it once was."

Legolas could see twilight in her eyes. "My lady, what would you have of me?" he asked softly.

"If you are willing, the Lord Celeborn and I would have you lead some of our people with you. We have many young elves among the Galadhrim. They are not yet weary of this world, as I am. They would be a credit to you."

"I am honored by your words." Legolas could not hold back his smile, or his excitement. "I would welcome any of the Galadhrim in Ithilien. May the Valar bless this new chapter in the history of our peoples." He bowed before the two, barely able to stop grinning before Celeborn motioned for him to rise and present himself before the rest of the court.

The lady and lord arose from their seats, and Celeborn spoke to the court, saying "We give our blessing to Prince Legolas, son of Thranduil, to lead some of our brave, young hearts to a new realm where they may find their own courage and place in Middle Earth under his guidance."

Many of the elves, young and old, looked at the youthful prince with expressions of disbelief, murmuring amongst themselves. Legolas could only hear snatches of words, "he is too young... what does a Mirkwood elf know of the Galadhrim? Who will go with him? Wasn't he one of the Fellowship? How exciting...where is he going?"

Legolas felt the scrutiny of their eyes and the heat of their gaze. His heart was wild in his chest for approval from these elves who might be his future subjects. As his eyes scanned the hall, he saw Farothin who nodded at him. Legolas almost started to smile in spite of his nerves until he saw the grim look on the face of the elf maiden standing next to Farothin.

She met his gaze and did not look away; her eyes were full of contempt, and Legolas began to feel a tinge of self-doubt. Instead of looking away, he smiled at her and lifted his chin. She arched an eyebrow, turned, and left the hall, leaving a bevy of golden curls chasing behind her.

Legolas was musing to himself that his dimples usually got much better reception from elf maidens when Lord Celeborn interrupted his thoughts.

"Come, son of Thranduil. We have prepared a banquet in honor of your visit. You will have many questions to answer, I am sure."

Legolas followed, his heart full with just as many questions. He had been brought up for this, trained for this moment all his life. Leadership. Responsibility. And honestly?

The thought of it all made him absolutely sick to his stomach.

Eep!! Legolas is starting off on his own adventure!  Please Vote, Follow, and Favorite! Your votes will give him the confidence he needs to succeed! 😀

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Eep!! Legolas is starting off on his own adventure! Please Vote, Follow, and Favorite! Your votes will give him the confidence he needs to succeed! 😀

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