21 Rules for Wildwood

Start from the beginning


Do not lose control over how much alcohol you consume because you will only make a fool out of yourself on the boardwalk, in the hotel, or wherever you end up. It's not cool to act like a fool in public or behind close doors.


Do not disappear in the middle of the night. Who knows what could happen. You left your girlfriend in the room, which isn't right! You should have brought her with you for a romantic walk on the beach. You only made your girlfriend wonder about where you were all night. You only risked your safely and possibly your relationship. Who cares if you're a guy? You should have invited to go with her or at least told someone where you were.


Do not book a hotel room with only two beds when six people are paying to stay there and take up a whole bed. No one wants to end up sleeping on the floor. It's not comfortable. Hotel beds are normally full size; so three people can fit on one bed. You don't need a bed for yourself, even if the room is on your card.


Do not run in flip flops. You could fall or lose one or both. You might end up with a blister between your big toe from the plastic spacer. Falling down will give you cuts from the black top or sidewalks.


Try some new food. The shore experience is not complete if you don't try new food. There's something for everyone's taste. There's sour food for the daring person, like fried pickles and green apple salt taffy. There's sweet food for a sweet tooth person, like fried Oreos and cookie dough. There's pizza for the calorie lovers like pepperoni and bacon. There's yummy chicken or steak hoagies for meat lovers.


Never have a long talk on the balcony with someone who obviously doesn't care or want to change. Long talks do not work out well if both people don't want to fix the problem. Heart to hearts can sometimes turn into fights, so don't bother. Don't let someone be your messenger. Tell them yourself at home.


Do not waste your time sleeping. Stay up all night. Watch the sunrise. It's beautiful wherever you are in Wildwood. A fun but risky idea is to sneak on to the beach and watch the sunrise with a lover, with friends, or by yourself. Beware of the police. After the lifeguards leave for the day, the beach turns into a no trespassing zone. You'll never know what you'll see from your balcony or on the beach. A seagull falling off the roof of your hotel; yes THE ROOF! A drunk couple fighting on another balcony or on the sidewalk. A drunk person stumbling back to his or her hotel or shore house. Enjoy the morning cool breeze blowing on your body.


Do not do illegal drugs like Ecstasy, especially the night some of your friends are coming down. Drugs are never worth it. Drugs interrupt your sense of direction and that's not safe in an unfamiliar city. It's not fun walking around for hours freaking out because you don't know where you are. Drugs tend to make curiosity take over your thoughts and make you wander off by yourself.


Do not pick up boxers lying on the sidewalk. You don't know whose boxers they are or where they're been. You don't know if the owner of the boxers has an STD, HIV, or AIDS. You don't know why the boxers are on the sidewalk. You don't know about thing about the boxers, so why would you want to pick them up? Ew, you're gross for even thinking about it. Seriously though, your eyes may have picked up a disease just from looking at the boxers.


Do not forget to bring your pillow if want to miss out on #16 or want a nap after #16. The hotel may not have enough pillows for everyone. The pillows may not meet your pillow standards.


Do not forget to double or triple check you have everything before checking out. You never know what you'll forget like a phone charger, brush, comb, shirt, money, CDs, etc. If you come back for whatever you forgot like a phone charger, you may not get the right one back or it might not be there. If you lost money, don't bother coming back because it's gone forever. The maids and hotel attendants will enjoy the items you leave, while you wish you had checked the hotel room more than once.


Reminder, your visit to Wildwood will always be with you. The 18 year old will not be worth your time after the trip. She will never change her bossy ways. She will only get worse by thinking she has power over the older crowd. She will start thinking she can get away with anything because she has money. This 18 year old may change after the summer because reality finally hits her. Keep up your guard though. You never know what to expect with a young girl trying to find herself. The lonely stoner, from number 11, will start popping up whenever he has time or the money after the vacations. He will fade into the shadows and stop showing up when he's invited. His girlfriend and he will stay together because she is used to his ways. Wildwood will bring out the worst and the best in people

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