So in my head I had no longer than 35 minutes to convince her that her life was in danger and that Randy wasn't worth dying for.

Turning the corner I was surprised to see the yellow Gremlin parked nearby but nobody inside.

I rushed to my room and opened the door to find Jenny standing in my room holding one of the open folders in her hands staring at a picture of herself.

With a start I saw her physically jump back and  accidentally drop the pizza box she had been holding in her other hand.

"Oh My God! You frightened me!" She exclaimed.

"I didn't mean-"

A sudden look of fear fell upon her face as she wondered what the pictures of her were implying. Holding them up she cried ,"What is all this?!!  Why do you have all these pictures of ME in this motel room?!!"

"It's not what you think-"

"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO THINK? I find pictures of me and my family in a strangers motel room! JUST WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO THINK?!!" She yelled as she backed away from me.

"Look calm down Ok? I'm here to help."

"I'll tell you what I think.... I think your some kind of psycho. Maybe you've been following me or planning on abducting me..... Who are you?"

"No! I'm the good guy."

"STAY BACK!" She warned as she held her open palm towards me.

From behind her back she pulled out a small handgun and aimed it at me.

Stepping back I gave her a moment as I stood between her and the door.

"OK let me prove something first." Slowly I reached into my back pocket and opened my wallet to show my badge.

Looking at it quickly she countered,"How do I know that's real?"

"It is. Believe me it's real."

"Are you working for Randy or something?"

"What? No no I'm really a cop."

"Then you won't  mind if I call them ?" She said reaching for my room phone.

"Hold it there's more you need to know and I don't have a lot of time to explain it all."

"Well I'm not giving you all the time in the world. If you're legit just tell me what this is all about." She said  nodding towards the folders on the bed.

Taking a deep breath I sighed and reached towards the folder marked 'Dave'.

Opening it gently I began to explain. "You have a niece named Elisha and she requested that I investigate your police case."

"My case? You're full of it mister. I don't have a 'case' and I don't have any niece named Elisha either."

Pulling out a group of pictures of Dave's family I laid it on the bed and slid it towards her. The top photo was a picture of Dave, Melissa and Elisha at a Christmas get together.

Picking it up she looked closely and recognized her brother with grayish hair.

"This can't be real."

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