This man sounded grumpy, which meant he wanted to get drunk fast.

I slipped a couple of beer shots into a mug and filled the rest of it with whiskey then came over and set it down on the table.

He took the mug almost straight out of my hand and started drinking.

Great, early drunk. I thought heading back to the counter and couldn't help but remember what G had said.

Fine, but don't be cryin ta me when ya lose your V-card.

I shook away the thought.

"What would he know?" I muttered before the man ordered another mug.

"I'm gonna havta cut him off half way through my shift the way he's goin." I thought making him another mug of whiskey this time without the beer.

When I set it down I found his other mug and took it back to the counter. Harry and the man talked for a little before the customer just started to drink, and that's it.

More customers filed in and so did more girls. Some of them flirted with the new man to try and get tips, but I noticed that he was ignoring them.

"Guess he's too far gone."

Sadly that was not the case, and I found that out, when one of the girls came up to me for an orders of five shots of beer and a mug of whiskey.

"He's been having an eye one you the whole after noon (y/n)." She whispered as I gave her the drinks and something twisted in my stomach.

"Quick what time is it?" I asked and she paused checking the time.

"A minute to 5." She told me and I thanked her, the next minute went by slower than a snail race.

Normally I can sense when someone is starring at me, and to think that he'd been doing just that this entire time without me was scary.

My shift ended all too heavenly and I headed to the back.

"Hold it (n/n)." Someone said grabbing my arm, it was Christy, the one who kept my disability on the down low, she was my best friend at work.

"You can't leave now with that man watching you like a hawk." She told me and I bit my lip.

Christy had worked here a long time, and wasn't a virgin like me.

"He's staking you out, which means a sleep over at my house." She told me and I smiled weakly.

"Thanks Chris." I sighed and she nodded with a hum.

"I'll be off in another half hour, you can get changed but stay back here." She told me and let go of my arm bustling back into the front.

I ran a hand through my hair before it came across something.

My fingers felt around the thing in my hair till I realized it was a small braid, just behind my ear.

Someone had braided my hair? But when? And how did I not know about it?

I shook my head going into the dressing rooms and changed into my regular turtle neck and jeans.

If G was trying to scare me with one of his friends, I hated to admit it, but it was working.

The half an hour passed even slower than the minute, which made my time in the dressing rooms stretch for an eternity till she finally came back.

"Sorry I'm late." She said as she changed but I just shook my head holding my clothes close to me from nerves.

"It's alright, let's just get outta here." I told her and she hummed in agreement before we walked back into the front.

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