A Strange Encounter (Part 2)

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  Sherlock and John ran down their flat's stairs and stood at the front door of the building.  It was two weeks after they had a visit with Strange and his assistant, as Sherlock liked to call him.  Sherlock was back to normal, which relieved John as well as Sherlock himself.

  John opened the apartment's front door to be swarmed by an ocean of fans and photographers.  Both of the men sighed deeply and looked at each other and shared a confident smile before stepping outside and pushing their way past the crowd.  Finally, they got to the edge of the sidewalk and got into a cab that drove up to them.

"So, where are we going?" John asked after a minute of silence.

"Scotland yard, of course.  He said that he found an interesting case," Sherlock said as he looked at his phone.

"Did he tell you anything about it?"

"Only that it's the weirdest case he's ever seen--and he's seen weird before, let tell you that."

"Intriguing.  Is that all he told you?"

"Yes, but we'll learn more right when we get there."

  After a little while of driving in awkward silence, Sherlock and John got to Scotland Yard.  They went into the building and naturally went up to Lestrade's office without even having to think about it.  Sherlock opened up the door to reveal Lestrade furiously typing away at his desktop.  "So, what's the case about?" Sherlock said abruptly.

"Oh, uh, right.  There's been a chain of robberies at 6 different museums across London.  All of them seem to have been conducted by the same thief, and all of the crime scenes contained the same purple powder in the spot where the stolen item was."

"Did all of the stolen items have something in common?"

"Yeah, they were all precious gems."

"Let me see the file on the robberies," Sherlock said casually.

  Without saying a word, Lestrade got out of his chair and got a file out of a filing cabinet before handing Sherlock the manila folder full of papers.  After looking through it quietly, Sherlock said, "I know where our thief will strike next.  He'll conduct another heist tonight, I'm sure of it.  Make sure that there's policemen at the building when I get inside."

"What are you planning on doing?"

"Well I'm going to catch the thief, of course!  I'll text the address that you and your men need to be at.  Make sure everyone is there by 10:25 tonight.  I'm expecting that you'll meet this requirement."

"Yeah, I'll try.  But how do you know where and when the heist will be?"

"Because I can tell.  There's a distinct pattern in his strategies, you just need to see clearly to figure it out.  Now John and I will be on out way," Sherlock said quickly.  Then he opened the door up again and both of the men walked out of the room before Lestrade could say anything.  They confidently strode out of the building and got into another cab.

"Meet me at the Victoria and Albert Museum, Room 91 at 9:30 tonight, okay John?" Sherlock said once they cab started to drive back to Baker Street.  John nodded as he texted Mary on his phone.  Both men knew that tonight would be filled with chaos and excitement.


It was now 9:30, and John walked up to Sherlock who was standing in the shadows in Room 91, texting Lestrade.  It was a Saturday night, so the museum had closed at 5:45 PM earlier that evening, and Sherlock was the only other person in the building besides John and the security guards.  "So, when do you think the thief will come?"

"Precisely at 10:40.  He'll come into this room and we'll catch him.  I deduced that he'd be fairly simple to catch if you know where he'll be breaking into," Sherlock mumbled as he continued tapping his phone.

"Well, we don't know for sure if he'll be simple to catch.  Lestrade did mention that powder that he left at ever crime scene.  He could possibly use it as a weapon."

"Maybe, but I brought a gun, and I believe that you did too, so we can shoot him from a long distance if necessary.  His powder doesn't have the same range as a gun, John."

"Fine.  So what will we do while we wait?  Look around at all of the gems?"

"If you want.  the security guards are aware of our presence, and there are plenty of shadows in here.  If you're looking around and the thief comes in unexpectedly, then you'll have plenty of time to hide somewhere so that you can catch him without being harmed by him."

  John sighed and slowly walked around the room, looking from gem to gem.  Sherlock tried hard not to burst out laughing since he didn't think John would actually start looking around at the large variety of gems.

  Finally, at 10:25, Lestrade came jogging into the room and whispering to Sherlock, "I have the place surrounded by my men.  They're all hidden, so the intruder won't see them as he tries to break in."

  "Terrific.  The chances of him getting to this room are slim.  All three of us will be the final defense if our thief somehow manages to get past all of the policemen."

  At exactly 10:40, a golden ring of sparks appeared in the middle of the dark room that Lestrade, John, and Sherlock were waiting in.  A man in black robes came through the portal, and the sparks vanished as his whole figure stepped into the large room.  Sherlock, John, and Lestrade all pulled out their guns and aimed at the intruder.  "Hands behind your head!  This place is surrounded!  We know that you're the one who's broken into six different places and stolen multiple gems!  Surrender before this gets messy!" Lestrade yelled.

  The man let out a deep, terrifying cackle from under the black hood that hid his face from the men behind him.  "Do it now!" Lestrade continued.

  The intruder stopped laughing and shook his head.  Suddenly, Sherlock shot a button at the man, but the thief quickly held a circular, golden shield that lit up with an intricate design against his body.  It took the hit and vanished in the same way the portal did.  "You can't stop me.  I can kill every single one of you within ten seconds.  Get out of my way and no one will get hurt," the figure said in a deep and stern voice.

"Not before you tell us who you are!" Sherlock demanded.

"You want to know who I am?  I'm surprised that Strange hasn't told you about me, considering that you met him a few weeks back," the man said and scoffed.  "I am Baron Mordo.  I have come to London to collect gems that hold value in the Mystic Arts, and I will let no one get it my way."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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