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.: New Roots :.

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32 | New Roots

The urge to vomit only grew stronger as they approached the manor.

Sweat dribbled from Blue's armpits. She considered flinging herself out the carriage and maybe braining herself on the sidewalk.

But then they arrived at the gilded gates and the footmen wordlessly guided their humble entourage inside.

The ivory ballroom was no grander than any other, but Blue might as well of been on another planet. Back in Anachakar she never had a chance to fully explore the palace grounds. Roaming Bo's home seemed too intimate, too invasive. What if she stumbled upon him shirtless or doing whatever Bo did when he wasn't being a Prince?

Several dozen guests regarded the trio, making their assumptions.

Light orchestral music and the gentle clink of champagne glasses highlighted the distinct lack of polite conversation.

A tourist visiting Priiah Chin might've asked why no one was speaking and they would've been immediately shushed.

But soon after they would learn this silence was an ancient custom at royal masquerade balls.

This was an intricate ritual, an intimate coupling of religion and society. The need for masks and silence stemmed from the belief that Lord Valasa and the rest of the spirit world invited themselves to every large noble gathering. If Valasa was pleased with their deference he would bless the hosts of the house in the following year.

But first the humans must trick the deity into thinking they're fellow spirits with lavish masks, otherwise the Universe will curse them and their family for ten generations.

Woe upon the dancer who revealed his face before Valasa.

The spirits only lingered as long as the first song before returning to the cosmos, and once the tune ended the guests finally revealed their true faces. Dancers discovering who they matched with was typically rife with... mixed reactions.

All balls in Priiah Chin commenced like this and they always had ever since the first clans warred for their right to pastures and favor smiled down upon the sacred victors.

It was rumored Guyal snatched your spirit out of your mouth if you talked out of turn, but that was more for suspense than anything.

Torrance and Wu were in their element, dissolving into the well dressed throng.

...Leaving Blue woefully alone.

It's fine, just don't draw attention to yourself.

The squire picked up on soft voices.

Despite the threat of spirit snatching, two ladies, a Flamingo and a Gazelle, tittered behind their masks.

"...-a young man today, quite dashing. I think he's here with Anachakar. The one with the nice beard."

"Oh, I saw him in he stands! Did you see him act so sweet with that page? I love a man good with children. You think he's here tonight?"

"It's a lost cause. He couldn't keep his eyes off that ridiculous squire girl."


"Who? Princess Hadwisa?"

"No, the commoner. The demon with the sword. Lord knows what he sees in her."

Blue melted away, heart in her throat.

He sees me. That's what he sees.

The ballroom housed two levels. The second was an open air breezeway where anyone could look down from the mezzanine and watch the interplay of costumed bodies.

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