Chapter 26: Rookie Mistake

Start from the beginning

Jason was silent for the rest of the drive over to the Bureau and I used that time to reflect on Timmy, who was hopefully still as calm and happy as we'd left him. I wondered if I'd ever get used to the idea of leaving him at school everyday. I had already grown accustomed to having him with me all hours of the day. Jason and I had decided that he would go to school three days a week and spend the other two with my mom. I was slowly trying to convince myself that this was all necessary, but it had to be if it meant that he would learn to speak properly and make friends. 


"What's he doing?"

Eddie glanced at me. "He came in this morning muttering something about 'criminal consultant.' He's been in with the kid ever since."

I looked toward the glass.

"You think this is going to be a slap on the wrist? Armed robbery is no joke, neither is kidnapping. You're not getting out of this one." 

"Guess I'll have to just take my chances." The kid said, though some of the cockiness from yesterday had disappeared.

"Prison isn't like the movies you know." Simon continued. "You'll be lucky if you last a week with that smart mouth of yours."

He shrugged.

"You said you wanted a deal, well this is the best you're going to get. Your options are to work with us or spend time behind bars." Simon stood and Dave watched him; expression unreadable.

"Or I could just take my chances with the system and in no time I'll be as free as a bird."

Simon shook his head. "It's because you're smart why you're being offered this deal. You and I both know that you're not just walking away from this." Simon bluffed. "You have an hour to decide. After that I can't help you. No one can."

Dave watched him leave and when the door closed behind him, he looked down at his hands and closed his eyes. Eddie and I glanced at Simon when he entered the room grinning.

Eddie raised a brow. "You look pretty sure of yourself."

"I call dibs on him once he signs."

Eddie's eyes narrowed slightly. "Why?"

Simon glanced at the glass again; his smile widening. " I just spent an hour in there with him; he's smart Ed. I mean really smart."

Eddie glanced at the suspect; his frown deepening. "So?"

"Life at the Bureau is about to get a whole lot more interesting." He said, then rubbed his hands together with glee.

"What's the deal you offered him?"

"He confesses to being an accessory and testifies against Ronny and in return he gets to be our very own criminal consultant. He's going to make a great profiler."

"That's if he accepts." Eddie interrupted, looking far more grumpy than he had when I'd walked in.

Simon didn't bat an eye. "He will." Then he glanced around the room. "Where's Timmy?"


Eddie chuckled. "Where would you be without Jason?"

I waved him away. "Get him back to his cell. I want to have a word with Ronny."

Simon gestured to the kid still sitting silently in the other room. "Don't you want to take a stab at him?"



His eyes were red, snot was running down his face and he threw everyone he could think of under the bus.

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